Bible Verse of the Day:

Colossians 3:23-24 (New International Version)
23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Random thoughts:
This verse was our Bible verse of the week for last week in our "Called and Accountable" workbook. We are doing the H. Blackaby study on Wednesday nights at church. In discussion last night, we talked about what we do while we are hear on earth. What we do when we are "Called". How we know what we are suppose to act, and what our purpose is while we walk these dusty roads. (I hope there are no dust bunnies in heaven!!) We are to speak boldly in the name of the Lord yet, Matthew 5 tells us the meek will inherit the earth. This earth? I don't think I want to stay on this earth. I want to walk the streets of gold in heaven. Does that mean I BOLDLY stand on top of my house and yell "Jesus saves"? Or, does that mean, every action I do should scream "I am a Child of God"? I think the latter. At least that is how I perceive it.

When I look in the mirror, I don't see a person that has a tattoo stamped across my brow that says "I am a Christian". People won't know that just by looking at me. My actions have to prove that I am a Child of God. That takes more than this mortal body can do on her own. I pray daily that God will take my hand and lead my way and place the right words in my mouth each day. I try to think before I open my mouth. just doesn't work. That is why I am still learning.

One of the ladies in our class said she grew up poor and now she appreciates things more today. If we are rich or poor on this earth, we have riches galore to look forward to in our heavenly

home. This gal is anxiously awaiting that day.(and still praying I never have to dust in heaven!)

Still looking for the inheritance,



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