Happy Birthday goes out to Norma Burns. Norma is a sweet lady I met last year as I did a reception project with her and now through facebook, we can still keep in contact. celebrate big, girlfriend!

Random Thoughts: Just plain random thoughts today. Hope you are celebrating with people you love today. This is one holiday I love, even if it is hot. I don't have any hard work at work to get ready for this one. It is laid back. Matter of fact, I left work early yesterday to travel to Nashville to play with one of my grandsons. It is a lazy day with shopping and eating. We saw a few fireworks on the patio last night along with lightning bugs flashing and went out on the patio first thing this morning. Sorry, everyone, I am not used to living with an alarm system keeping me in the house. I woke everyone up at 6 A.M.
As we were shopping, Jeremiah made comment the mall was not a good place to be after dark. Sometimes trouble brews out there. When we got back to the house, a news flash stated one of the local professional football stars had been shot and killed in downtown Nashville this afternoon. Even professional people are someones loved ones. My sympathies go out to the family on what is supposed to be a day of celebration.

It is never the wrong time to tell your family and friends just how much you love them. Take time today to let them know, and
Happy Firecracker Day!


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