Bible verse of the day:
"The world passeth away...but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1 John 2:17

Random Thoughts:
As I was doing my Bible study for my Wednesday night class I read something that I have never thought about before. In Henry Blackaby's "Called and Accountable" he refers to Christians as being called for eternity. Jesus stated over and over that he that believes in Him will have eternal life. I know that. It is just that I think of death then going to heaven. Blackaby refers to Christians as living forever(immortality). Wow, now that is profound. I thought Helen Reddy was profound when she sang"I am woman, hear me roar". Just thinking that there is no break, just going on and on and on and on doesn't surprise me. Calling myself immortal gives me a jolt of reality check.

God is our life line to eternity...Christ is our life line to immortality. The Holy Spirit is our life line to leading the life that Christ expects us as Christians to live. The Triune is kind of like the circle of life, I guess. If you take the perfect triangle there is not one side or angle bigger or better than the other. That perfect triangle is the Trinity. It takes all three sides and angles to make me who I am today. Born, Believer, and oBedient. (Yeah, I know that was a silly pun, but a three point sermon wound have to have three words that all start with the same letter, wouldn't it?)
Just look in the mirror and think "I am immortal!" I like it. I know you probably think it is dumb. But when something hits me, impresses me, well, I just get it and like to share it.
This is the first week of the Blackaby study but I am looking forward to the next six weeks. I hope there are more profound thoughts that hit me as I study.

Back to the homework,
God's student,


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