Bible Verse of the Day: Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as good for the edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those ho hear. Ephesians 4:29

Happy Birthday:to Alice Blackshear England my cousin who actually should be my sister. We grew up together and, yes, we can fight like sisters but we still love each other like sisters, too. And another happy birthday to Jerry Parker, our minister of evangelism at church. Jerry is proof that you are never too old for God to call you. Hope you both have wonder birthdays. Another happy birthday goes out to Colllin Elder. Collin is my friend Marcia's husband. We eat our Wednesday night meal at church with Collin and Marcia. It is so much fun to keep up with buddies on a regular basis.

Random Thoughts: Jerry, his wife Olive and their granddaughter were just three of the twenty plus people our church sent forth on a mission trip to Peru. They left a week ago Wednesday and came back last Wednesday. Well, actually the Parkers did not get back until Thursday. Their passports were stolen while they were away.

One of the ladies in our Sunday School class was also on the trip. Beverly Pierce and her husband, Joe, also traveled to Peru. Beverly was given the class time this morning to share about the trip. It seems that everywhere they went, God was one step ahead of them, preparing hearts for the Word of God. Imagine that! We serve a Mighty God and if He wants it done, all we have to do is say"yes, Lord" and be His lips.

Why is it so difficult for us to just let loose and do what we know the Lord wants us to do? I feel like since I have never lived more than 20 miles away from the home I went to when I was born, well, I guess I will never make it to the "utmost end of the Earth". I probably will never leave Jonesboro but I am in awe of those who have traveled spreading the Name of the Lord.

In other news, I want to share one quick story about my cousin Alice. When she was in the 10th grade, she and her family moved from Lake City to Springdale, Arkansas. I was devastated. We saw each other a lot even though Alice is a few years older than me. The first summer they lived in Springdale, Alice had her best friend come up and spend some time with her. I don't know if I begged or she (or her mother) come up with the idea that I go with them to Springdale. I'm not really sure how long we stayed but is seemed like a month (bet Aunt Margie could tell me the exact amount of days) but these two high school girls let this elementary girl tag along all summer. If they even made fun of me for being a kid I don't remember any hurt feelings so they must not have been mean about having me around. I know I must have put a crimp in their style but they were so good to me. I never have told either of them how much I appreciate that summer. Jennifer and Alice, thanks so very much for a wonderful summer with the big girls! It was one of my best ever.

Everybody needs to remember that you never know what reaction your actions might have. Think twice and act once. People might have a better impression of you.

Here's to hoping my brain engages before my mouth,


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