Bible Verse of the Day: Then God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Genesis 1:3

Today's Celebrations: Happy Birthday to George Bernard Shaw.

Random Thoughts of the Day: George Bernard Shaw once said" I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation." Do I say anything that is worth repeating? Do I have something I say that I am famous for. What if I had said...

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

"I had a dream."

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

Well, I probably mis-spoke those statements but I hope you get the idea. Those are famous quote for very famous people. The words that come out of my mouth are so meager in comparison. Just what exactly do I have to say. Is it important?

Those words could be very important to me. They may not mean a thing to you, but if I make a promise or vow I hope to be able to keep those words. I hope whomever I am speaking with believes what I say.

As far as going down in history. No, Vera will never have infamous words. Just my plain ole southern drawllllll. My hick slang. Ya'll come. Hey, there. What's up? You know, short sentences. The ones made up of two or three words that say a paragraph.

For instance...Ya'll come. That would be short for;"Hello. I haven't seen you in three months. Have you been busy. We need to catch up on what is happening in each others lives. Why don't you come for a visit. I will bake a cake and put on a pot of coffee. We will catch up on old times. It is so great to see you. I just can't wait for you to visit. Have a good day and be on your way. Bye for now."

We southerners are allowed to talk slow because we cut out all the chatter and get to the point. "Ya'll come." Makes sense to me. Now if you are a Yankee reading this post I am sure you would not see the humor in it. You just have to appreciate the fact that a Southerner can make fun of them self and be smart at the same time. Right? Sure 'nuff.

oh, well, back to what I would say if I had said it.

God, put your words in my mouth that what I say might glorify You,

Until tomorrow,



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