Bible Verse of the Day:Proverbs 29:23 A mans pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will bring him honor.

Today's Celebrations:Today is Bubba (Aaron) Deaton's birthday. It is also Lynn White's birthday. Happy birthday, gang!!

Random Thoughts:

Since today is Bubba's birthday, I thought I would write about him, well sorta. When Blake and Bubba were is high school, right after Christmas was time to start thinking about baseball. Now Blake and Bubba were tied up with basketball, (Bubba played and Blake was the manager) but getting into January, it was time start swinging the bat.

Bubba had determination. He would practice basketball and I would think how tired he was, then go hit the batting cage. He worked endlessly. When time came to play baseball, Bubba was the catcher. To me there is no harder job on the field than to be the catcher. Bubba would have on all that extra gear, his face be beet red and would field those balls from everywhere behind the plate. He also got beaned a few time and toted bruises a lot.
No one ever heard Bubba fuss about how hard his job was and you never heard Bubba fuss about calls at the plate. Bubba just kept on trudging along.

If you have never been a follower of high school baseball, the season starts out cold, every parent keeps blankets in the trunk of their car and gloves, scarves and extra coats along with their folding chairs.

By the time May comes around everyone has been sunburned and had at least a bout or two of getting too hot. (Players and parents) The weather runs full circle.

I guess it was because Blake and Bubba grew up at church, he was always my pet on the field (and off) but I always watched out for Bubba. He was like my own. I think if anyone ever fussed at him, I would be down their throat as quick as Ellen. I never rooted any harder than for Bubba.
If Bubba made a great play, he was shy about accepting a compliment. If the team lost no one felt worse than Bubba. He always contributed, yet never took any glory. He was the ideal high school baseball player. He was always striving to improve, worked hard and was determined.

I was and am so very proud of this young man. As a mama I tend to notice the manners on and off the field. He to this day will address me as Ms. Vera and say "yes, ma'am, no ma'am, and thank you " for anything. He is the greatest.

Bubba has great work ethics. So my point for the day is, how about taking a look and see where our own work ethics lie. Are we determined to be and do the best we can? Do we strive to improve? Do we keep our manners in tact when we get upset? I know there are times I flunk this test. With God's help and strength we can work on our shortcomings and be a much better worker for the Lord. That is only with our mind set on the project and praying to ask God to lead our way.

Until later I am humbly striving to improve,


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