Bible Verse of the Day: Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?" That is "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:45-46 NASB

Random Thoughts: Well, I played hooky for two days. The first day my computer keyboard went goofy on me. The second day was , well, just a headache. Sorry.

Yesterday I thought about posting about "raining cats and dogs". It was pouring rain then. I remember reading an e-mail one time about animals living on the roof of thatch houses and when it would rain the cats and dogs would slide down off the roof. So, it really was raining cats and dogs. I am sure that isn't true but I guess it is good enough for e-mail fodder.

There was a total eclipse of the sun this morning in the Asia area. It was reported on the news that some religions had holy men praying the whole time the sun was eclipsed to ward off evil doings. Another religion placed prayer candles in the water. We are talking about people that are well educated. It is really sad that such religious acts are done because the world goes black for six and one half minutes. Oh, the countries we could be working in if their governments would just allow it.

What I cannot understand is how the average Joe Blow reporter can get in the country to report such proceedings and yet missionaries are BANNED. Makes no sense. Are the reporters not exploiting the religious practices of the countries? Hmmm.

We have had people explain away the reason the world went black the day Christ died on the cross as an eclipse. Many also dispute that theory. I personally like the theory that God let the world go dark so He did not see the pain and anguish Christ suffered on the cross.
I know I would be hard pressed to see one of my children suffering. That is why we are suppose to spread the Good News. So none of God's children suffer.
Until next century when we have a full eclipse again,


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