Bible Verse of the Day:

But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened and said to them:He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7

Today's celebrations:Jeremy and Jennifer Swymm's anniversary and happy birthday to Phyllis Diller.

Random Thoughts:I remember Phyllis Diller when I was just a kid. That awful hair, the cigarette in the fancy holder, and that pointed nose. Not to mention, most of her comments were rude and crude. Why do we think we have to applaud such bad comedy. As I got older, she got worse. I simply could not understand why cutting people down was/is funny.
Everyone has a heart and feelings. Some people can be so mean in what they say. Some people can just set out to be cruel to everyone they meet along life's way. What jollies do we get from that.
Would it not be easier to simply lift people up with praise and compliments that be ugly to them. I have seen patrons in resturants be hateful to server that have done nothing but be kind to the customer. What do they get in return. Mean people. Now why don't I have the guts to go tell the rude people just how rude they are. Because I am, like most folks, walking around with a passive behavior. I don't want to rock the boat, either.
Not long ago, one quiet day, Doug and I were drinking our tea at Barnes and Noble when I decided to go look at the Christians motivational books. Just perusing the titles when I heard a man scream. He was not just having a conversation, he was telling the sales clerk how stupid and ignorant she was. By the time I got to the register, the man had walked out the door. I ask the sales clerk what his problem was. He came to the music section to pick up an audio book that had been reserved. She informed him that the audio books were held at the book cash register, not the music register. He cursed at her then told her how stupid she was. Now if you ask me, he was the one that was stupid. Just because an audio book comes on a cd, it is still a book. DUH!!! Why take it out on a mere clerk when he is the idiot, not her.
That time, I did go running after the guy to tell him he needed to apoligize to the girl. He literally ran out of the mall before I could catch him. That is one time I would not have minded at all telling the jerk just what I thought of his rude behavior.
Have we ever done anything like this? Yes, I have and lived to regret it. Have I ever had it done to me? You betcha. I had a man call me at work and threaten me that if I didn't give him some information he wanted he was going to come to my place of work with a gun and only one of us would be alive when he got through. BTW, he is now dead. Had an early demise. As you can tell by the typing , I am the one still alive. The chicken talked big in hopes to worm some information out of me. I think he was full of hot air and no guts or I might be the one that died first. Who knows.
What did Jesus tell us about our behavior as one of His followers? Well, I don't think he would be proud of any of the actions I have described today. I guess I have become a people watcher. I observe their mannerisms. Jim Corter is to blame for that nasty habit. Don't get me wrong, I am not critical of the way people act. I just watch them and try to figure out what is running across their mind.
Jesus knew not one of us was/is perfect. How can we judge others with our own set of flaws? Later in the passage from our Bible verse today, Jesus went on to tell the woman to go and sin no more. We, too, have gotten a reprieve from God for our sins, yet, we keep going back to our bad ways. Sure we try to be better. We have good days and bad days. Jesus left instruction that we should strive to be more like Him. That should be our goal. When we blow up at someone, we are casting the first stone. Have you prayed today that God would mold your life>
Until tomorrow I am still striving,


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