Bible Verse of the day:
Isaiah 28:23 (New American Standard Bible)
23Give ear and hear my voice, Listen and hear my words.

Happy Birthday : to Delica Hinson and my baby, Blake.
Random thoughts:

Today's thought go out for Blake. Blake was the child that was the good child(at least he thinks so) because he would always tell people he "learnded" from his brothers mistakes. I don't know how much of that is true, but all in all he was a pretty good child. So were his brothers, I guess. Anyway, Blake is a lover of useless trivia, so Blake, did you know that Satchel Page was born on July 7, 1906. Did you know that today is International Cherry Pit Spitting Day or that the Running of the Bulls starts today in Spain. Did you know that two days prior to your birth the All Star Baseball game was played and the night I was in the hospital waiting to deliver you, all that ran on the tv was some super play that was made during the game. (I don't even remember who was playing or who won. Who cares!)
I remember Blake was saved before the age of seven and when He spoke with Allen, the youth minister, Allen told me Blake had all the right answers and to this day has never doubted his salvation. Blake was only 14 or so when he came back from summer camp and said he was called to be a bi-vocational minister. I didn't think he could possibly know what a bi-vocational minister was, much less be one. Blake never faltered on his direction and he is today where he said at such a young age that God wanted him to be.
I wish that I could be quiet more often and hear what God says to me. Most of the time I am way to busy to listen. I thank God for my children and I thank God for allowing me to raise one of His chosen. Not to say that we are not ALL His chosen. I simply think it is an honor to be the Mother of my "preacher boy". Even the fact that Blake turns 26 today, that doesn't alter the fact his is still my baby or my preacher boy.
Happy birthday, child!!
Mama to the preacher boy,


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