Bible Verse of the Day:And after He was baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a done and coming upon Him..Matthew 3:16

Today's Celebrations: Amelia Earhart the first sweetheart of flight.

Random Thought: Dove... The word has been playing on my mind for days. No reason. Nothing triggered the thought. but when I sat down at the computer today, I saw where Dianne Storr had sent a "dove" charm to Elizabeth on facebook. Why do things like that happen? To me, even.

God has something he wants me to know about the word dove. Any suggestions. I think I might need a shrink for this one. Dove is a bird. Birds take flight. When I opened my "Awe-manac" book, I read about Amelia Earhart, first lady to fly solo across the Atlantic. I hope that doesn't mean I am in for a flight in my future. If you know me, those silver birds are not my friend. There must be another reason for the dove thoughts.

Amelia Earhart said "Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn't be done." Think she stepped on a few toes, don't you?

Flight has come a long way. We have friends, David and Judy, who have a young daughter that flies for a private company. When I was her age the only flying a female usually did was as a stewardess. Now they are flight attendants and consist of female and male. When I was a kiddo (way back when) people dressed in their Sunday best to fly on a plane. Now you see people come and go off planes in cut offs, flip flops and ipods. Back then, it was a special occasion to fly. Today it is the fastest way to get from point a to point b. We live in such a face paced society.

The fascination with flight has marvelled many. I, friends, am not among them. Collin and Marcia are at the air show this week in Oshkosh,WI. That may be one of the largest air shows in the U. S. each year. They tell me there is everything from build it yourself at home kits to the antiques of days gone by.

One year Doug and I were traveling north. I think we were going to Michigan. We saw a lot of the planes headed for Oshkosh. They were neat to look at and some were doing stunt tricks, etc. Those actions are for the brave of heart.

Next time you look in the sky and see a plane, just remember the only flying Vera every wants to do is that last flight into heaven.
Some day...I'll fly away,


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