Bible verse of the day: "Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart." Psalm 27:14

Random thoughts: Well, folks, this is the end of a very short, long weekend. I got to leave work at noon Friday, drove to Nashville Friday afternoon and back home today. So tired I don't know if there is hope of being rested up before tomorrow.

Doug and I usually do not celebrate much on the fourth since all our boys have left home. The fourth is usually the day I set aside to address my Christmas cards. That, my friends, simply did not happen this year. I was playing Nana and enjoyed the new role much better than addressing cards. I guess I will have to do them in bits this year just to get them done. Although I do have some Christmas presents bought, I usually really get into the swing of things after I do the cards. Guess I will run just a tad late this year.

There is no law that says we cannot start new traditions for the fourth. We used to take our kids to the fireworks shows. Then they got big enough for them and girlfriends to watch fireworks so we sat home. Now two of them now have their own to take to firework shows. That is a full circle.
Hope everyone is refreshed and ready to start a new week. just take God along with you for the ride.

Goodnight from the weary traveler,


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