Bible Verse of the Day: A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. Proverbs1:5

Random Thoughts:

Curiosity...Have you ever been curious? Well, of course, we all have. Some people just have more curiosity than others. I have three sons and there is three levels of curiosity amongst them. Douglas...if you have a secret he cannot rest until he knows it. Jeremiah...if there is any way to tear something apart to see how it works, he is your man, but you could live a present in a gift bag in the same room with him for a month and he would never look inside. He just doesn't care. Blake...he is just so laid back, curiosity just isn't one of his priorities. These three were born to the same mother and father and have three totally different curiosity levels.

Is there such thing as good or bad curiosity? Well, I guess some could get you in trouble if you pry where you shouldn't. But to pry, you just might find something that needs your attention. To pry or not to pry. That is the topic of the day.

Being curious helps us become educated when we are young. Of course, sometimes the education we get we really are not old enough to comprehend. As we get older, we tend not to learn more. Thinking that maybe after we graduate we need no more knowledge. Now if that were true, why do so many people have to sit through continuing education hours to keep certification?

We are never too old to learn. If I read the Bible from cover to cover 10 more times in my life, there will still be so many things I never comprehended before. Have you ever read a good book, decided to read it again and not remember something significant that happened in the book from the first read?

There really is a difference in being nosy and truly prying and being curious. We should all be hungry to learn. Yes, even at 50 plus, I still love to learn. I would love to learn how this danged old computer thinks so I could have a better relationship with it. The stubborn beast!!

From time to time I think I have stuff all figured out then learn that life has thrown me a curve ball. life is like that. If we didn't have curve balls to dodge life might get boring. I think I would just love to have the chance to find out if it would get boring. Ya know what I mean?

Three things that as we grow older we should remember......

1-We are never too old to learn.

2-We are never too old to love.

3-We are never too old to laugh.

Still learning to love and laugh,



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