Bible Verse of the Day:

Ezekiel 11:24-25 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
24 The Spirit lifted me up and brought me to Chaldea and to the exiles in a vision from the Spirit of God. After the vision I had seen left me, 25 I spoke to the exiles about all the things the LORD had shown me.
Happy Birthday :to Walker Crain... Miss you at Barnes and Noble.
Random Thought:Blake, one of your favorite people had a dad that was born on this date....Arlo's dad, Woody Guthrie. I never have found anyone else who could laugh over "I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride on my motor-cickle." What is so funny about that. It is dumb.
There are good ideas and dumb ones. Well, you know where I think that pickle thing goes.
Do you ever get good ideas when you think"I need to write that down". When you remember you had a good idea, you remember there was no pen and paper to write it down and......"now, what was that idea, again?"
When I am driving by myself I come up with great food for thought. Many years ago, I was driving to Hot Springs,(the only adult in the car) knowing I had to give a speech, but, when I left Jonesboro, I was clueless. As I drove down the highway, doing the speed limit I might add, I got an epiphany. With the(very young) boys in the back seat, I had Douglas get me a pencil and something to write on. As I was cruising between Bald Knob and Little Rock I had all the bullet points for my speech written out. I hope my children never do anything like that. I would worry myself to death. Anyways, we made it safe and sound, I was prepared when the time came for my speech and life lives on and no one remembers what I said.
Today, I wouldn't even write a check out while I am driving. My reflexes are slower and my brain has gotten a little bit smarter. I do however have a son that drives like a maniac in traffic, and one day as I was in the back seat, he was giving a phone interview for a job, drinking coffee, driving over 80 and all of a sudden, I saw him scratch his head. 80 and no hands on the steering wheel. Now that could have gotten us all to heaven in a hurry! Of course, I almost stroked out right then and there.
Where are you when you get inspiration? Can you remember it til you get to write it down? Can you make your thoughts come to fruition? Thank goodness preachers can receive inspiration from God for sermons. I think it might be hard coming up with all those complete sermons week in and week out.
To God be the glory!
Until later...I am just a thinkin',


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