Bible Verse of the Day:"The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever." Psalm 138:8

Birthday Celebrations: Go out to Lori Gillis Fitts and John Glenn the astronaut.

Random Thoughts:Remember when John Glenn was is space?It was a big deal. Remember when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? It was a really big deal. Did you know we had a space shuttle go off this week? Did anyone pay attention to that? Does anyone care? Space travel has gotten so passe that it is just like ordering a Big Mac for lunch.
Doug made comment last night when the news was broadcasting the fact that 40 years ago was the great moon walk(The one on the moon, not Michael Jacksons) that over one third of the population was not around 40 years ago and have no idea what a great moment that was in history.
When you talk with older people, they will tell you about the great wars (I and II)and how everyone hovered around the radio to get the latest update on the home front. Most people couldn't even tell you how many lives have been taken in the wars we fight in today. Not nation wide, but even in our own hometowns.
Are we becoming cold and indifferent? Do we have a heart? Is the world simply spinning so fast we cannot keep up with all the events going on? Are we too busy to care about life?
Help!!!!! Stop the madness and get off the merry-go-round.
Take a second and inhale a bit of fresh air. We don't have to be so busy we miss some of the important things in life. Like taking care of ourselves. There are many things I regret in life. I cannot get those things back, but I can take life a little slower since Doug and I are empty nesters. When the children are young, you think you MUST take in everything. What do we all miss by doing so much. Now that is an ironic statement, but sadly it is true.
Make a cup of tea, sit back and reflect on life. Would we change anything if we could. I didn't understand what the old folks used to say about hindsight. Thought is was silly. If I knew then what I know now, yes, life would have been a little different.
Simply reflecting,


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