Bible Verse of the Day:Revelation 21:7 (New American Standard Bible)
7 He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.

Random thoughts: Well, usually I try to match my thoughts to my verse. I like the verse, because I want to be His child. Nothing just pops out about the verse, so since it is the holiday weekend, I will tell a story about my own childhood.

The first year I encountered fireworks...Boy you really would not believe how naive I was (okay, maybe sheltered is a better word), but the first time I was around fire crackers I was almost 10 or so. I had older cousins that had some at one of my aunts house. I don't particularly like loud noises so needless to say, I was not impressed. BUT, I also learned what cherry bombs were. One of my cousins placed on under the hood of my dads car and had it rigged to set off. When we had gotten just a ways down the road, sure enough, it started smoking. My dad was furious. I did not tell him until after the fact, so we had smoke in the car, smoke coming out from under the hood and smoke coming out of my mom and dad's ears. I don't know why they got mad at me. I did not do it. I just knew about it.

The highlight of my fourth was always going to the Portia Picnic with my dad. I did not know a single person, but my dad knew everybody. He could talk for hours. Most of the area was shaded and there was always a breeze on hot days. I heard a lot of politics that I cared nothing for but there were a few rides to enjoy.

As years went by, the picnics went by the wayside, my boys came along and traditions change. Now the boys are all grown and gone, and there are no traditions around our house.

Memories are good things, traditions get to be habit you take for granted, but they do make fond memories. I wish someone had encouraged me to keep a diary of things when I was younger. I could go back and tell you what year it was I got in trouble, exactly. Oh, well, it is never too late to start a journal. Maybe I will some day.

The older I get the more jumbled my memories become. I am getting to the point I need a little help keeping track of them.

Here's wishing you happy Fourth memories,



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