Bible Verse of the day:

Psalm 27:1-3 (New American Standard Bible)
A Psalm of David. 1The LORD is my
light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? 2When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. 3Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me,In spite of this I shall be confident.
Happy birthday: To Norma Burns, a sweet lady I met last year and now consider a friend for life.
Random thoughts:

If God is there to be our light in the darkness, what is there to fear. Didn't one of our former presidents say something about "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." We do have something to fear. It is the evil one. The closer we walk with our Lord, the stronger the evil one temps us. "Get thee behind me, Satan!"

If God is our light, darkness should never come. Then how come it turns out that we take one step forward and sometimes two or three steps back(closer and closer to darkness). How come just when you think things are running smooth, POW, we have been broadsided by the devil and his deteriorating powers. It makes you just want to give up and go hind under a blanket. ( It is dark under that blanket).

If I hid under the blanket, not only would God not be happy with me, there wouldn't be anything left for me. No drive, no urge to achieve anything personal, spiritual or physical.

How many times have we started reading the Bible through in a year, just to fizzle out before January is over. We think 'I can start next year.' Why not start back tomorrow, or even today. Why do we put off doing things for the Lord but find time to do what we want to do.

We don't lean on God looking for support and strength. It is there for the asking. We just get too lazy to ask. Life is so much easier if we just float about on our merry way.

Look in the mirror. Don't look at the physical image. Look deeper. Listen. What is God telling you to do. What is he asking you to step out on faith and do. Promise that person you are looking at in the mirror that you will make an effort to do ONE thing today that is out of your comfort zone. Do one more thing tomorrow that is out of your comfort zone. Pretty soon you can build up strength. Where did that strength come from? Psalm 27:1, that is where. It is all over the Bible. God's promise to be there for us. There is an old song that says "He's only a prayer away".

Oh, how many times do we fail to call upon the name of the Lord until we have given up on all our own personal attempts. God is our last resort.
Why not make God our first resort. Life may just go a little smoother for us.
We as Americans should be remembering at this time of the year all our forefathers who braved the passage from England to come to America for religious freedom. Are we not blessed that they chose to have strength to break away from the church dictatorship to find freedom to worship.
Aren't we a blessed lot of people today. I thank God for allowing me the chance to choose my place of worship. Yes, I do believe we are blessed.
Until tomorrow,
I call upon God's strength to sustain me,


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