Bible Verse of the Day:
Psalm 100 (King James Version)

1Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
2Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Today's Celebrations: Happy birthday to Norman Lear, writer and producer of "All in the Family" and "Maude" and dear ole Bugs became part of our lives(well, not mine, but you know what I mean) 69 years ago today.

Random thoughts: The picture you see of Bugs Bunny is from my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon. Probably my second favorite all time cartoon. Second only to Mickey Mouse conducting the "Sorcerer's Apprentice". Now that is my all time favorite cartoon. You know we thought is was funny watching Bugs aggravate Elmer. Everything Bugs did irritated Elmer. Did we think it was okay to do that to people in real life, too. Did we forget that cartoons were just entertainment.
Have you ever known anybody that was such a trickster as Bugs. Some times it can be aggravating to know such smarty pants.
You know, the cartoon was such a cat and mouse thing with Elmer , yet it was just funny. No violence like we see in today's cartoons. Those were the good old days. Surpassed only by "The Little Rascals." Innocence in television was a great thing. How about Shirley Temple movies or "The Mickey Mouse Club" or all the things we learned on "Captian Kangaroo". Todays youngsters missed out on such a good era of tv. They will never appreciate all the things we had. I was never a western fan but even some of the old time westerns we so entertaining.
Todays tv is full of violence, smut and reality shows with people being cruel to each other. Challenge for the day. Go out and buy or rent some old time shows. Bugs is great. Red Skelton shows. I Love Lucy shows. Think back to childhood days and pick a fond memory. Put it in the dvd player with a cup of kool-aid and a home made sugar cookie or two. Revert back to the days of your youth. Well, those of us old enough to do so, and remember some of the good old days. Good cartoons and good moral tv viewing.
When you finish, see if there isn't a smile on your face and a few worries that have been lifted. Even temporarilly. Have a fun day.
By the way, Bugs,
Thanks for all the pleasant times you have given us,
Until tomorrow,

Bible Verse of the Day: Then God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Genesis 1:3

Today's Celebrations: Happy Birthday to George Bernard Shaw.

Random Thoughts of the Day: George Bernard Shaw once said" I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation." Do I say anything that is worth repeating? Do I have something I say that I am famous for. What if I had said...

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

"I had a dream."

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

Well, I probably mis-spoke those statements but I hope you get the idea. Those are famous quote for very famous people. The words that come out of my mouth are so meager in comparison. Just what exactly do I have to say. Is it important?

Those words could be very important to me. They may not mean a thing to you, but if I make a promise or vow I hope to be able to keep those words. I hope whomever I am speaking with believes what I say.

As far as going down in history. No, Vera will never have infamous words. Just my plain ole southern drawllllll. My hick slang. Ya'll come. Hey, there. What's up? You know, short sentences. The ones made up of two or three words that say a paragraph.

For instance...Ya'll come. That would be short for;"Hello. I haven't seen you in three months. Have you been busy. We need to catch up on what is happening in each others lives. Why don't you come for a visit. I will bake a cake and put on a pot of coffee. We will catch up on old times. It is so great to see you. I just can't wait for you to visit. Have a good day and be on your way. Bye for now."

We southerners are allowed to talk slow because we cut out all the chatter and get to the point. "Ya'll come." Makes sense to me. Now if you are a Yankee reading this post I am sure you would not see the humor in it. You just have to appreciate the fact that a Southerner can make fun of them self and be smart at the same time. Right? Sure 'nuff.

oh, well, back to what I would say if I had said it.

God, put your words in my mouth that what I say might glorify You,

Until tomorrow,


Bible Verse of the Day: "You are the Light of the World. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Celebrations today: happy birthday to Dinah Rushing and lets celebrate the fact that the first electric light was lit on this day in history. WooHoo. I could have be typing in the dark. Ha!

Random thought:Yeah, you guessed it. Electric lights. Wow! What an invention. I bet the first people to invent stuff of that nature was paupers with no compensation for any major steps toward technology. All that work, and still probably died poor. Actually, I have visited Thomas Edison home in Florida. (Winter Haven, I think. I could look it up but I am too lazy.) He actually had a pretty nice shack. Located next to Henry Ford's winter home. Nice shack, too.

Oh, to have the inventors brain. Don"t you know that thing worked in overdrive. Oh, wait, I don't guess there was overdrive back then, was there. I know 'ole Thomas invented a lot of stuff. Lots of it on display in Florida. Seems as though there is a lot on display in Dearborn, Michigan at the Henry Ford Museum, also. The old phonograph machines were way cool, too.

I remember, way back when, we had an old big chunky record player that only played 78's. I thought it was from the ice age til I saw the crank masters and records Edison made. Seems like I also remember that he was partially deaf from a train accident. Maybe I dreamed that one. May have to google him after all.

Back to the light bulb. When we were at the Florida Museum there was a light bulb the curator claimed that Edison made that had never burned out. Now, seems to me, if he invented one that never burned out, why couldn't all of them be made never to burn out. Hmmmm.

Can you image how dark life was before the electric light. No skyline glow in the big city. How about just a porch light or reading light. The light to read by would be a kerosene lamp. To me that isn't much light. Maybe they had a way of making them glow better than me, but I would be hard pressed to read by one.

Like I said, I might be typing in the dark. Yeah, right.

Regardless of how dark it might be, we would still have the Light of the World. He makes everything bright. Even in our darkest hour.

To God be the glory,

Great things He has done,
Even allowing ole Tom the knowledge to make that light glow,

Thanks, God!!
Til tomorrow I will leave the light on for ya!


Bible Verse of the Day:And after He was baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a done and coming upon Him..Matthew 3:16

Today's Celebrations: Amelia Earhart the first sweetheart of flight.

Random Thought: Dove... The word has been playing on my mind for days. No reason. Nothing triggered the thought. but when I sat down at the computer today, I saw where Dianne Storr had sent a "dove" charm to Elizabeth on facebook. Why do things like that happen? To me, even.

God has something he wants me to know about the word dove. Any suggestions. I think I might need a shrink for this one. Dove is a bird. Birds take flight. When I opened my "Awe-manac" book, I read about Amelia Earhart, first lady to fly solo across the Atlantic. I hope that doesn't mean I am in for a flight in my future. If you know me, those silver birds are not my friend. There must be another reason for the dove thoughts.

Amelia Earhart said "Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn't be done." Think she stepped on a few toes, don't you?

Flight has come a long way. We have friends, David and Judy, who have a young daughter that flies for a private company. When I was her age the only flying a female usually did was as a stewardess. Now they are flight attendants and consist of female and male. When I was a kiddo (way back when) people dressed in their Sunday best to fly on a plane. Now you see people come and go off planes in cut offs, flip flops and ipods. Back then, it was a special occasion to fly. Today it is the fastest way to get from point a to point b. We live in such a face paced society.

The fascination with flight has marvelled many. I, friends, am not among them. Collin and Marcia are at the air show this week in Oshkosh,WI. That may be one of the largest air shows in the U. S. each year. They tell me there is everything from build it yourself at home kits to the antiques of days gone by.

One year Doug and I were traveling north. I think we were going to Michigan. We saw a lot of the planes headed for Oshkosh. They were neat to look at and some were doing stunt tricks, etc. Those actions are for the brave of heart.

Next time you look in the sky and see a plane, just remember the only flying Vera every wants to do is that last flight into heaven.
Some day...I'll fly away,

Bible Verse of the Day:"For just as the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day. Luke 17:24

Today's Celebrations:Chris McBroome

Random Thoughts:This is written a day late. Yes, I know I am getting bad about not staying on task. I am working on it, okay! Last night, Doug and I went to the Redbirds game in Memphis, hence not post. The evening was wonderful. Temps were in the mid 70s and just a slight breeze blowing on us. No sweat, no jacket, just perfect for a ballgame. Anyway, on the way home, the bugs were hitting the windshield sounding just like rain. Pelt, pelt, pelt. Obviously, I knew it was bugs, but, to continue with my thought. As we were getting ready to leave and exit at Lake David, I ask Doug if he saw a big flash on orange across the sky. He actually accused me of finding some wacky weed. (That was not nice!) I kept watching and sometimes it would be white flashes and sometimes it would be orange. Doug insisted that it was the headlight on a train. Like they flash ORANGE.

We drove all the way to Trumann before Doug finally saw the lightning. Now I know lightning is not the strangest thing but:
1. The stars were bright deep in the heart of Arkansas.

2. The temperatures were perfect. It was not hot enough for heat lightning.

3. I am not sure anybody but me saw this yet it moved toward Jonesboro with us.

Why does God have such a sense of humor when it comes to me.

Everyone reading this will think I am loco, too.

Was God giving me a sign? Is it the gases that glow like the glob in the boothill of Missouri. I know, a UFO trying to land around here. Did anyone find crop circles this morning? It truly was lightning. There are some things in life you just have to believe although there is not proof for or against.

Salvation. Trust in God. Life after death. Heaven.

What do ya say. Did I see lightning or did I just have a cheap drunk from smelling the booze on the folks behind me? (It was strong)

Still watching for God's lightning strikes,


Bible Verse of the Day: Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?" That is "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:45-46 NASB

Random Thoughts: Well, I played hooky for two days. The first day my computer keyboard went goofy on me. The second day was , well, just a headache. Sorry.

Yesterday I thought about posting about "raining cats and dogs". It was pouring rain then. I remember reading an e-mail one time about animals living on the roof of thatch houses and when it would rain the cats and dogs would slide down off the roof. So, it really was raining cats and dogs. I am sure that isn't true but I guess it is good enough for e-mail fodder.

There was a total eclipse of the sun this morning in the Asia area. It was reported on the news that some religions had holy men praying the whole time the sun was eclipsed to ward off evil doings. Another religion placed prayer candles in the water. We are talking about people that are well educated. It is really sad that such religious acts are done because the world goes black for six and one half minutes. Oh, the countries we could be working in if their governments would just allow it.

What I cannot understand is how the average Joe Blow reporter can get in the country to report such proceedings and yet missionaries are BANNED. Makes no sense. Are the reporters not exploiting the religious practices of the countries? Hmmm.

We have had people explain away the reason the world went black the day Christ died on the cross as an eclipse. Many also dispute that theory. I personally like the theory that God let the world go dark so He did not see the pain and anguish Christ suffered on the cross.
I know I would be hard pressed to see one of my children suffering. That is why we are suppose to spread the Good News. So none of God's children suffer.
Until next century when we have a full eclipse again,

Bible Verse of the Day: A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. Proverbs1:5

Random Thoughts:

Curiosity...Have you ever been curious? Well, of course, we all have. Some people just have more curiosity than others. I have three sons and there is three levels of curiosity amongst them. Douglas...if you have a secret he cannot rest until he knows it. Jeremiah...if there is any way to tear something apart to see how it works, he is your man, but you could live a present in a gift bag in the same room with him for a month and he would never look inside. He just doesn't care. Blake...he is just so laid back, curiosity just isn't one of his priorities. These three were born to the same mother and father and have three totally different curiosity levels.

Is there such thing as good or bad curiosity? Well, I guess some could get you in trouble if you pry where you shouldn't. But to pry, you just might find something that needs your attention. To pry or not to pry. That is the topic of the day.

Being curious helps us become educated when we are young. Of course, sometimes the education we get we really are not old enough to comprehend. As we get older, we tend not to learn more. Thinking that maybe after we graduate we need no more knowledge. Now if that were true, why do so many people have to sit through continuing education hours to keep certification?

We are never too old to learn. If I read the Bible from cover to cover 10 more times in my life, there will still be so many things I never comprehended before. Have you ever read a good book, decided to read it again and not remember something significant that happened in the book from the first read?

There really is a difference in being nosy and truly prying and being curious. We should all be hungry to learn. Yes, even at 50 plus, I still love to learn. I would love to learn how this danged old computer thinks so I could have a better relationship with it. The stubborn beast!!

From time to time I think I have stuff all figured out then learn that life has thrown me a curve ball. life is like that. If we didn't have curve balls to dodge life might get boring. I think I would just love to have the chance to find out if it would get boring. Ya know what I mean?

Three things that as we grow older we should remember......

1-We are never too old to learn.

2-We are never too old to love.

3-We are never too old to laugh.

Still learning to love and laugh,


Bible Verse of the Day: Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as good for the edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those ho hear. Ephesians 4:29

Happy Birthday:to Alice Blackshear England my cousin who actually should be my sister. We grew up together and, yes, we can fight like sisters but we still love each other like sisters, too. And another happy birthday to Jerry Parker, our minister of evangelism at church. Jerry is proof that you are never too old for God to call you. Hope you both have wonder birthdays. Another happy birthday goes out to Colllin Elder. Collin is my friend Marcia's husband. We eat our Wednesday night meal at church with Collin and Marcia. It is so much fun to keep up with buddies on a regular basis.

Random Thoughts: Jerry, his wife Olive and their granddaughter were just three of the twenty plus people our church sent forth on a mission trip to Peru. They left a week ago Wednesday and came back last Wednesday. Well, actually the Parkers did not get back until Thursday. Their passports were stolen while they were away.

One of the ladies in our Sunday School class was also on the trip. Beverly Pierce and her husband, Joe, also traveled to Peru. Beverly was given the class time this morning to share about the trip. It seems that everywhere they went, God was one step ahead of them, preparing hearts for the Word of God. Imagine that! We serve a Mighty God and if He wants it done, all we have to do is say"yes, Lord" and be His lips.

Why is it so difficult for us to just let loose and do what we know the Lord wants us to do? I feel like since I have never lived more than 20 miles away from the home I went to when I was born, well, I guess I will never make it to the "utmost end of the Earth". I probably will never leave Jonesboro but I am in awe of those who have traveled spreading the Name of the Lord.

In other news, I want to share one quick story about my cousin Alice. When she was in the 10th grade, she and her family moved from Lake City to Springdale, Arkansas. I was devastated. We saw each other a lot even though Alice is a few years older than me. The first summer they lived in Springdale, Alice had her best friend come up and spend some time with her. I don't know if I begged or she (or her mother) come up with the idea that I go with them to Springdale. I'm not really sure how long we stayed but is seemed like a month (bet Aunt Margie could tell me the exact amount of days) but these two high school girls let this elementary girl tag along all summer. If they even made fun of me for being a kid I don't remember any hurt feelings so they must not have been mean about having me around. I know I must have put a crimp in their style but they were so good to me. I never have told either of them how much I appreciate that summer. Jennifer and Alice, thanks so very much for a wonderful summer with the big girls! It was one of my best ever.

Everybody needs to remember that you never know what reaction your actions might have. Think twice and act once. People might have a better impression of you.

Here's to hoping my brain engages before my mouth,
Bible Verse of the Day:"The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever." Psalm 138:8

Birthday Celebrations: Go out to Lori Gillis Fitts and John Glenn the astronaut.

Random Thoughts:Remember when John Glenn was is space?It was a big deal. Remember when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? It was a really big deal. Did you know we had a space shuttle go off this week? Did anyone pay attention to that? Does anyone care? Space travel has gotten so passe that it is just like ordering a Big Mac for lunch.
Doug made comment last night when the news was broadcasting the fact that 40 years ago was the great moon walk(The one on the moon, not Michael Jacksons) that over one third of the population was not around 40 years ago and have no idea what a great moment that was in history.
When you talk with older people, they will tell you about the great wars (I and II)and how everyone hovered around the radio to get the latest update on the home front. Most people couldn't even tell you how many lives have been taken in the wars we fight in today. Not nation wide, but even in our own hometowns.
Are we becoming cold and indifferent? Do we have a heart? Is the world simply spinning so fast we cannot keep up with all the events going on? Are we too busy to care about life?
Help!!!!! Stop the madness and get off the merry-go-round.
Take a second and inhale a bit of fresh air. We don't have to be so busy we miss some of the important things in life. Like taking care of ourselves. There are many things I regret in life. I cannot get those things back, but I can take life a little slower since Doug and I are empty nesters. When the children are young, you think you MUST take in everything. What do we all miss by doing so much. Now that is an ironic statement, but sadly it is true.
Make a cup of tea, sit back and reflect on life. Would we change anything if we could. I didn't understand what the old folks used to say about hindsight. Thought is was silly. If I knew then what I know now, yes, life would have been a little different.
Simply reflecting,
Bible Verse of the Day:

But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened and said to them:He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7

Today's celebrations:Jeremy and Jennifer Swymm's anniversary and happy birthday to Phyllis Diller.

Random Thoughts:I remember Phyllis Diller when I was just a kid. That awful hair, the cigarette in the fancy holder, and that pointed nose. Not to mention, most of her comments were rude and crude. Why do we think we have to applaud such bad comedy. As I got older, she got worse. I simply could not understand why cutting people down was/is funny.
Everyone has a heart and feelings. Some people can be so mean in what they say. Some people can just set out to be cruel to everyone they meet along life's way. What jollies do we get from that.
Would it not be easier to simply lift people up with praise and compliments that be ugly to them. I have seen patrons in resturants be hateful to server that have done nothing but be kind to the customer. What do they get in return. Mean people. Now why don't I have the guts to go tell the rude people just how rude they are. Because I am, like most folks, walking around with a passive behavior. I don't want to rock the boat, either.
Not long ago, one quiet day, Doug and I were drinking our tea at Barnes and Noble when I decided to go look at the Christians motivational books. Just perusing the titles when I heard a man scream. He was not just having a conversation, he was telling the sales clerk how stupid and ignorant she was. By the time I got to the register, the man had walked out the door. I ask the sales clerk what his problem was. He came to the music section to pick up an audio book that had been reserved. She informed him that the audio books were held at the book cash register, not the music register. He cursed at her then told her how stupid she was. Now if you ask me, he was the one that was stupid. Just because an audio book comes on a cd, it is still a book. DUH!!! Why take it out on a mere clerk when he is the idiot, not her.
That time, I did go running after the guy to tell him he needed to apoligize to the girl. He literally ran out of the mall before I could catch him. That is one time I would not have minded at all telling the jerk just what I thought of his rude behavior.
Have we ever done anything like this? Yes, I have and lived to regret it. Have I ever had it done to me? You betcha. I had a man call me at work and threaten me that if I didn't give him some information he wanted he was going to come to my place of work with a gun and only one of us would be alive when he got through. BTW, he is now dead. Had an early demise. As you can tell by the typing , I am the one still alive. The chicken talked big in hopes to worm some information out of me. I think he was full of hot air and no guts or I might be the one that died first. Who knows.
What did Jesus tell us about our behavior as one of His followers? Well, I don't think he would be proud of any of the actions I have described today. I guess I have become a people watcher. I observe their mannerisms. Jim Corter is to blame for that nasty habit. Don't get me wrong, I am not critical of the way people act. I just watch them and try to figure out what is running across their mind.
Jesus knew not one of us was/is perfect. How can we judge others with our own set of flaws? Later in the passage from our Bible verse today, Jesus went on to tell the woman to go and sin no more. We, too, have gotten a reprieve from God for our sins, yet, we keep going back to our bad ways. Sure we try to be better. We have good days and bad days. Jesus left instruction that we should strive to be more like Him. That should be our goal. When we blow up at someone, we are casting the first stone. Have you prayed today that God would mold your life>
Until tomorrow I am still striving,

Bible Verse of the Day:Proverbs 29:23 A mans pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will bring him honor.

Today's Celebrations:Today is Bubba (Aaron) Deaton's birthday. It is also Lynn White's birthday. Happy birthday, gang!!

Random Thoughts:

Since today is Bubba's birthday, I thought I would write about him, well sorta. When Blake and Bubba were is high school, right after Christmas was time to start thinking about baseball. Now Blake and Bubba were tied up with basketball, (Bubba played and Blake was the manager) but getting into January, it was time start swinging the bat.

Bubba had determination. He would practice basketball and I would think how tired he was, then go hit the batting cage. He worked endlessly. When time came to play baseball, Bubba was the catcher. To me there is no harder job on the field than to be the catcher. Bubba would have on all that extra gear, his face be beet red and would field those balls from everywhere behind the plate. He also got beaned a few time and toted bruises a lot.
No one ever heard Bubba fuss about how hard his job was and you never heard Bubba fuss about calls at the plate. Bubba just kept on trudging along.

If you have never been a follower of high school baseball, the season starts out cold, every parent keeps blankets in the trunk of their car and gloves, scarves and extra coats along with their folding chairs.

By the time May comes around everyone has been sunburned and had at least a bout or two of getting too hot. (Players and parents) The weather runs full circle.

I guess it was because Blake and Bubba grew up at church, he was always my pet on the field (and off) but I always watched out for Bubba. He was like my own. I think if anyone ever fussed at him, I would be down their throat as quick as Ellen. I never rooted any harder than for Bubba.
If Bubba made a great play, he was shy about accepting a compliment. If the team lost no one felt worse than Bubba. He always contributed, yet never took any glory. He was the ideal high school baseball player. He was always striving to improve, worked hard and was determined.

I was and am so very proud of this young man. As a mama I tend to notice the manners on and off the field. He to this day will address me as Ms. Vera and say "yes, ma'am, no ma'am, and thank you " for anything. He is the greatest.

Bubba has great work ethics. So my point for the day is, how about taking a look and see where our own work ethics lie. Are we determined to be and do the best we can? Do we strive to improve? Do we keep our manners in tact when we get upset? I know there are times I flunk this test. With God's help and strength we can work on our shortcomings and be a much better worker for the Lord. That is only with our mind set on the project and praying to ask God to lead our way.

Until later I am humbly striving to improve,

Bible Verse of the day:

Revelation 4 (New International Version)
The Throne in Heaven

1After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." 2At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne. 4Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.

Tribute for the day: Today is National Ice Cream Day!

Random Thoughts:Here is to the banana split and hot fudge sundaes of the world. Chocolate candy if fine but chocolate ice cream is Divine. I could feel like I had died and gone to heaven if I could eat all the chocolate ice cream I want. yum!!!

What are some of your favorite vices? Speed, fame, wealth? It takes so little to amuse me, you can tell I lead a boring life. I could be satisfied with white hot chocolate on a cold, rainy winter afternoon or chocolate ice cream 365 days a year.

Speed, well, I have never had that. I move like a turtle. Fame, that won't ever happen in my lifetime. Wealth, the only wealth I hope I am amassing is in heaven. I know the checkbook doesn't amass anything down here on earth.

I wonder.......just how much will we appreciate what we amass in heaven. Will we be jealous of the other celestial beings and what they have? I all our sins are erased evenly, we all will be on an even keel. Why should it matter how many jewels are in our crown? How many rooms are in our mansion? Should we care? Are we going to sit just a little closer to God if we have more jewels in our crown. Then are we going to stick out our tongue like a two year old and say "I am better than you are".

What will heaven be like. I don't think any of those questions will make any difference when we get to heaven. I think it will be like all those other questions we say we will ask when we get to heaven. Once we are there, it won't matter.

What does matter is what we do while we are still on this earth. That is where we need to know God is pleased with our behavior. That is where we need to be asking questions about what God wants from us. Here. Today. Now.

Until later I will be watching my p's and q's.


Bible Verse of the Day:

Ezekiel 11:24-25 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
24 The Spirit lifted me up and brought me to Chaldea and to the exiles in a vision from the Spirit of God. After the vision I had seen left me, 25 I spoke to the exiles about all the things the LORD had shown me.
Happy Birthday :to Walker Crain... Miss you at Barnes and Noble.
Random Thought:Blake, one of your favorite people had a dad that was born on this date....Arlo's dad, Woody Guthrie. I never have found anyone else who could laugh over "I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride on my motor-cickle." What is so funny about that. It is dumb.
There are good ideas and dumb ones. Well, you know where I think that pickle thing goes.
Do you ever get good ideas when you think"I need to write that down". When you remember you had a good idea, you remember there was no pen and paper to write it down and......"now, what was that idea, again?"
When I am driving by myself I come up with great food for thought. Many years ago, I was driving to Hot Springs,(the only adult in the car) knowing I had to give a speech, but, when I left Jonesboro, I was clueless. As I drove down the highway, doing the speed limit I might add, I got an epiphany. With the(very young) boys in the back seat, I had Douglas get me a pencil and something to write on. As I was cruising between Bald Knob and Little Rock I had all the bullet points for my speech written out. I hope my children never do anything like that. I would worry myself to death. Anyways, we made it safe and sound, I was prepared when the time came for my speech and life lives on and no one remembers what I said.
Today, I wouldn't even write a check out while I am driving. My reflexes are slower and my brain has gotten a little bit smarter. I do however have a son that drives like a maniac in traffic, and one day as I was in the back seat, he was giving a phone interview for a job, drinking coffee, driving over 80 and all of a sudden, I saw him scratch his head. 80 and no hands on the steering wheel. Now that could have gotten us all to heaven in a hurry! Of course, I almost stroked out right then and there.
Where are you when you get inspiration? Can you remember it til you get to write it down? Can you make your thoughts come to fruition? Thank goodness preachers can receive inspiration from God for sermons. I think it might be hard coming up with all those complete sermons week in and week out.
To God be the glory!
Until later...I am just a thinkin',

Bible Verse of the Day:

Luke 23:44-45 (New American Standard Bible)
44It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness fell over the whole land until [b]the ninth hour,
45because the sun was obscured; and the veil of the temple was torn in two.

Random Thoughts:Today in history, July 13, 1977 was the night the lights went out in New York City. (Makes me think of the song,"The night the lights went out in Chicago(oops. Georgia)") The power grid was so heavy it blew out most all of the city. It is recorded that 9 months later was one of the worst ever baby booms in NYC. Fact or Fiction??? Maybe my trivia baby can check it out for me.

I wonder what it would be like to be in total darkness. No sun, no moon, no electricity, not flashlights, no candles.....D-A-R-K. I also wonder when it became dark the day Jesus was crucified if all the high priest and rulers and people that conspired to release Barabbas felt a chilling eeriness go down their spine knowing that they had boo-booed big time. Hide, you say? Well, it was dark anyway. They didn't have to hide.

What about us. If we boo-boo big time, we live in a lighted world. Where do we hide. Where will God not find us? Oops! We did it now. There is no where to hid from God.

We live with the "Light of the World" in us if we are saved. There is no darkness. We simply must ask God to wash away our sins, again, and keep letting the Light shine in us and through us.

Light makes us warm and dark makes us cold. Take that statement and define it in more ways than one. Things to ponder today.

If you are from Jonesboro, back last winter the big question was"How long were you without power?" That was when the big ice storm hit. If you are a Christian is it safe to ask if you have Power?

Letting my little light shine,


Bible Verse of the day:What he trusts in is fragile ; what he relies on is a spider's web. Job 8:14
Happy Birthday:goes out to Kelsie Hodges and Becky McDaniel

Random thoughts: My thought for the day is a tribute to E.B. White who was born on this day in history. White is the author of "Charlotte's Web". Well, you get the idea. The size of a spider compared to man is so wee, but could you imaging if we were building his web, just how big it would be. It is so strong the web can catch a fly for the spider to eat. Raindrops can collect on the web, and if the sun comes out after the rain, sometimes there is a prism effect that gives such a beautiful rainbow .
The spider works hard to weave such an intricate design. The spider has different glands that extrude different types of silk to weave the web with, but the legs to all the knitting. If you have ever knitted, you know how hard it is to concentrate if you are trying to make a design. You have to give the project your undivided attention. I wonder, so does the spider?
The spider sets out with a specific goal and works endlessly to accomplish it. Do we? Do we...give up much to easily? Do we feel a sense of accomplishment when we complete a heavy task? Are we as strong as the spider? Are we as talented as the spider?

The spider is one of God's creatures(although not my favorite, and I know my daughter-in-law Kari simply freaks out over them), but we are a greater creation of God and we should have so many more capabilities. God never sends us out to do a task he doesn't equip us for. We may not think we are prepared, but God knows we can do it or he would not send us out.

Just a little folk lore legend for your reading posted below. Hope you enjoy.

One of God's weavers,

Christmas Spider Legend
On Christmas eve, a long time ago, a gentle mother was busily cleaning the house for the most wonderful day of the year... Christmas day, the day on which the little Christ child came to bless the house. Not a speck of dust was left. Even the spiders had been banished from their cozy corner on the ceiling. They had fled to the farthest corner of the attic.
The Christmas tree was beautifully decorated. The poor spiders were frantic, for they could not see the tree, nor be present for the little Christ child's visit. Then the oldest and wisest spider suggested that perhaps they could wait until everyone went to bed and then get a closer look.
When the house was dark and silent, the spiders crept out of their hiding place. When they neared the Christmas tree, they were delighted with the beauty of it. The spiders crept all over the tree, up and down, over the branches and twigs and saw every one of the pretty things.
The spiders loved the Christmas tree. All night long they danced in the branches, leaving them covered with spider webs. In the morning, when the little Christ child came to bless the house, he was dismayed! He loved the little spiders for they were God's creatures, but he knew the mother, who had worked so hard to make everything perfect, would not be pleased when she saw what the spiders had done.
With love in his heart and a smile on his lips, the little Christ child reached out and gently touched the spider webs. The spider webs started to sparkle and shine! They had all turned into sparkling, shimmering silver and gold.
According to legend, ever since this happened, people have hung tinsel on their Christmas trees. It has also become a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the Christmas tree.

Bible Verse of the day:

Matthew 28:18-20 (New American Standard Bible)
18And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Random thoughts:

I woke this morning to a note of facebook from Mona Turner saying our missions team had 75 professions of faith yesterday. Wow!!! What a blessing. As I am at home working while they are in Peru, I want to say"All I can do is pray for them". But I think I should say"Even though I am not there, I am praying for them". Proud to do it. I believe it is part of our call to lift up others with they are doing the work of the Lord.

I also believe that our nation starts at home. I know that is easier said than done. I personally had an opportunity this week that I bypassed. I don't even have to guess, I can see God frowning down on me right now, even as I think of it two or three days later. Sometimes it is lame excuses the devil gives us not to do God's will and witness. I guess sometimes I think I don't want to embarrass them or me in public. Shouldn't feel that way. I think that goes back to the BOLD thing.

Today is a hot day at the old home front. It makes one lazy and lethargic in general. There are many things I could do with the extra 30 minutes I got today except sitting at the computer waxing poetry. HA! Well, I don't think there is anything that will not wait until tomorrow. I guess I am taking time to enjoy being with myself. I think I could enjoy myself better if I were some place where is was 50 degrees outside.

For all you who know me, I did start my Christmas list today. I am excited about pursuing some of the ideas I came up with. Now it is time to start shopping on the Internet. I do have a few presents to wrap but keep procrastinating. I guess I am waiting for Christmas. My bad.

Here's praying for many more successful days for the Peru team along with safety in traveling and health. There are 20 plus people on this trip and for that many people to make it a week without someone getting sick is a situation in God's hands.

Please join me in lifting up this group and placing them in God's perfect hands.
Prayer warrior,

Bible Verse of the Day:

Colossians 3:23-24 (New International Version)
23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Random thoughts:
This verse was our Bible verse of the week for last week in our "Called and Accountable" workbook. We are doing the H. Blackaby study on Wednesday nights at church. In discussion last night, we talked about what we do while we are hear on earth. What we do when we are "Called". How we know what we are suppose to act, and what our purpose is while we walk these dusty roads. (I hope there are no dust bunnies in heaven!!) We are to speak boldly in the name of the Lord yet, Matthew 5 tells us the meek will inherit the earth. This earth? I don't think I want to stay on this earth. I want to walk the streets of gold in heaven. Does that mean I BOLDLY stand on top of my house and yell "Jesus saves"? Or, does that mean, every action I do should scream "I am a Child of God"? I think the latter. At least that is how I perceive it.

When I look in the mirror, I don't see a person that has a tattoo stamped across my brow that says "I am a Christian". People won't know that just by looking at me. My actions have to prove that I am a Child of God. That takes more than this mortal body can do on her own. I pray daily that God will take my hand and lead my way and place the right words in my mouth each day. I try to think before I open my mouth. just doesn't work. That is why I am still learning.

One of the ladies in our class said she grew up poor and now she appreciates things more today. If we are rich or poor on this earth, we have riches galore to look forward to in our heavenly

home. This gal is anxiously awaiting that day.(and still praying I never have to dust in heaven!)

Still looking for the inheritance,


Bible verse of the day:
Numbers 7:8-9 (New International Version)
8 and he gave four carts and eight oxen to the Merarites, as their work required. They were all under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron, the priest. 9 But Moses did not give any to the Kohathites, because they were to carry on their shoulders the holy things, for which they were responsible.
Birthdays:Katie Layer

Random Thoughts:I have two random thoughts for the day. Neither which go with the verses above.
1) In my "Awe-manac" book for today the toast of the day reads..."Here's to the garden where tomatoes, daisies and peace can be cultivated." That put my mind to thinking about Kathy Wood... she loves to garden. Kathy tells me she could spend all day in the garden and actually her blood pressure will drop while she doodles in the garden. There is a lot to be said for being close to nature, God and yourself all at the same time. Personally, I saw enough purple hull peas, green beans and melons when I was a kid that I would NEVER want to grow a garden. Don't get me wrong, I love to taste of the harvest. I just want someone else to do it.
2)I am a fan of numbers. Not the show. it gives me a headache. I don't believe in physic numbers or anything. I like strange facts in numbers. For example, my birthday is 5-5, Blake's is 7-7, Jeremiah's is 9-9. Douglas and Caroline got married on 5-18, Doug and I married on 3-19, Jeremiah and Tara got married on 3-20, Blake and Kari got married on 6-21. If we went back another generation, my parents were married on 9-17. I like the number thing. Hence the verse today. Numbers 7:8-9. Today is month(7), day (8) year (9). Yeah, I know it is korny but I like it.
I also like the fact that Moses did not give comforts to the men because they were to carry the burden of the Holy things. Just a reminder that God promises to provide what we need, not what we want. Don't tell me it was easy to tote that stuff on those poles. (I guess somewhere in the Bible there is even an estimate of how much all that weighed.) Even those of us that study God's Word, knowing that God will provide our needs, get grumpy with God when He doesn't supply our WANTS. What are we spoiled brats? Well, yes.
If you have any neat number stories, jot me a note and let me know. I love number stories.
Until tomorrow,
One of God's spoiled brats,

Bible Verse of the day:
Isaiah 28:23 (New American Standard Bible)
23Give ear and hear my voice, Listen and hear my words.

Happy Birthday : to Delica Hinson and my baby, Blake.
Random thoughts:

Today's thought go out for Blake. Blake was the child that was the good child(at least he thinks so) because he would always tell people he "learnded" from his brothers mistakes. I don't know how much of that is true, but all in all he was a pretty good child. So were his brothers, I guess. Anyway, Blake is a lover of useless trivia, so Blake, did you know that Satchel Page was born on July 7, 1906. Did you know that today is International Cherry Pit Spitting Day or that the Running of the Bulls starts today in Spain. Did you know that two days prior to your birth the All Star Baseball game was played and the night I was in the hospital waiting to deliver you, all that ran on the tv was some super play that was made during the game. (I don't even remember who was playing or who won. Who cares!)
I remember Blake was saved before the age of seven and when He spoke with Allen, the youth minister, Allen told me Blake had all the right answers and to this day has never doubted his salvation. Blake was only 14 or so when he came back from summer camp and said he was called to be a bi-vocational minister. I didn't think he could possibly know what a bi-vocational minister was, much less be one. Blake never faltered on his direction and he is today where he said at such a young age that God wanted him to be.
I wish that I could be quiet more often and hear what God says to me. Most of the time I am way to busy to listen. I thank God for my children and I thank God for allowing me to raise one of His chosen. Not to say that we are not ALL His chosen. I simply think it is an honor to be the Mother of my "preacher boy". Even the fact that Blake turns 26 today, that doesn't alter the fact his is still my baby or my preacher boy.
Happy birthday, child!!
Mama to the preacher boy,
Bible verse of the day:
"The world passeth away...but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1 John 2:17

Random Thoughts:
As I was doing my Bible study for my Wednesday night class I read something that I have never thought about before. In Henry Blackaby's "Called and Accountable" he refers to Christians as being called for eternity. Jesus stated over and over that he that believes in Him will have eternal life. I know that. It is just that I think of death then going to heaven. Blackaby refers to Christians as living forever(immortality). Wow, now that is profound. I thought Helen Reddy was profound when she sang"I am woman, hear me roar". Just thinking that there is no break, just going on and on and on and on doesn't surprise me. Calling myself immortal gives me a jolt of reality check.

God is our life line to eternity...Christ is our life line to immortality. The Holy Spirit is our life line to leading the life that Christ expects us as Christians to live. The Triune is kind of like the circle of life, I guess. If you take the perfect triangle there is not one side or angle bigger or better than the other. That perfect triangle is the Trinity. It takes all three sides and angles to make me who I am today. Born, Believer, and oBedient. (Yeah, I know that was a silly pun, but a three point sermon wound have to have three words that all start with the same letter, wouldn't it?)
Just look in the mirror and think "I am immortal!" I like it. I know you probably think it is dumb. But when something hits me, impresses me, well, I just get it and like to share it.
This is the first week of the Blackaby study but I am looking forward to the next six weeks. I hope there are more profound thoughts that hit me as I study.

Back to the homework,
God's student,
Bible verse of the day: "Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart." Psalm 27:14

Random thoughts: Well, folks, this is the end of a very short, long weekend. I got to leave work at noon Friday, drove to Nashville Friday afternoon and back home today. So tired I don't know if there is hope of being rested up before tomorrow.

Doug and I usually do not celebrate much on the fourth since all our boys have left home. The fourth is usually the day I set aside to address my Christmas cards. That, my friends, simply did not happen this year. I was playing Nana and enjoyed the new role much better than addressing cards. I guess I will have to do them in bits this year just to get them done. Although I do have some Christmas presents bought, I usually really get into the swing of things after I do the cards. Guess I will run just a tad late this year.

There is no law that says we cannot start new traditions for the fourth. We used to take our kids to the fireworks shows. Then they got big enough for them and girlfriends to watch fireworks so we sat home. Now two of them now have their own to take to firework shows. That is a full circle.
Hope everyone is refreshed and ready to start a new week. just take God along with you for the ride.

Goodnight from the weary traveler,
Happy Birthday goes out to Norma Burns. Norma is a sweet lady I met last year as I did a reception project with her and now through facebook, we can still keep in contact. celebrate big, girlfriend!

Random Thoughts: Just plain random thoughts today. Hope you are celebrating with people you love today. This is one holiday I love, even if it is hot. I don't have any hard work at work to get ready for this one. It is laid back. Matter of fact, I left work early yesterday to travel to Nashville to play with one of my grandsons. It is a lazy day with shopping and eating. We saw a few fireworks on the patio last night along with lightning bugs flashing and went out on the patio first thing this morning. Sorry, everyone, I am not used to living with an alarm system keeping me in the house. I woke everyone up at 6 A.M.
As we were shopping, Jeremiah made comment the mall was not a good place to be after dark. Sometimes trouble brews out there. When we got back to the house, a news flash stated one of the local professional football stars had been shot and killed in downtown Nashville this afternoon. Even professional people are someones loved ones. My sympathies go out to the family on what is supposed to be a day of celebration.

It is never the wrong time to tell your family and friends just how much you love them. Take time today to let them know, and
Happy Firecracker Day!

Bible Verse of the Day:Revelation 21:7 (New American Standard Bible)
7 He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.

Random thoughts: Well, usually I try to match my thoughts to my verse. I like the verse, because I want to be His child. Nothing just pops out about the verse, so since it is the holiday weekend, I will tell a story about my own childhood.

The first year I encountered fireworks...Boy you really would not believe how naive I was (okay, maybe sheltered is a better word), but the first time I was around fire crackers I was almost 10 or so. I had older cousins that had some at one of my aunts house. I don't particularly like loud noises so needless to say, I was not impressed. BUT, I also learned what cherry bombs were. One of my cousins placed on under the hood of my dads car and had it rigged to set off. When we had gotten just a ways down the road, sure enough, it started smoking. My dad was furious. I did not tell him until after the fact, so we had smoke in the car, smoke coming out from under the hood and smoke coming out of my mom and dad's ears. I don't know why they got mad at me. I did not do it. I just knew about it.

The highlight of my fourth was always going to the Portia Picnic with my dad. I did not know a single person, but my dad knew everybody. He could talk for hours. Most of the area was shaded and there was always a breeze on hot days. I heard a lot of politics that I cared nothing for but there were a few rides to enjoy.

As years went by, the picnics went by the wayside, my boys came along and traditions change. Now the boys are all grown and gone, and there are no traditions around our house.

Memories are good things, traditions get to be habit you take for granted, but they do make fond memories. I wish someone had encouraged me to keep a diary of things when I was younger. I could go back and tell you what year it was I got in trouble, exactly. Oh, well, it is never too late to start a journal. Maybe I will some day.

The older I get the more jumbled my memories become. I am getting to the point I need a little help keeping track of them.

Here's wishing you happy Fourth memories,


Bible Verse of the day:

Psalm 27:1-3 (New American Standard Bible)
A Psalm of David. 1The LORD is my
light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? 2When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. 3Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me,In spite of this I shall be confident.
Happy birthday: To Norma Burns, a sweet lady I met last year and now consider a friend for life.
Random thoughts:

If God is there to be our light in the darkness, what is there to fear. Didn't one of our former presidents say something about "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." We do have something to fear. It is the evil one. The closer we walk with our Lord, the stronger the evil one temps us. "Get thee behind me, Satan!"

If God is our light, darkness should never come. Then how come it turns out that we take one step forward and sometimes two or three steps back(closer and closer to darkness). How come just when you think things are running smooth, POW, we have been broadsided by the devil and his deteriorating powers. It makes you just want to give up and go hind under a blanket. ( It is dark under that blanket).

If I hid under the blanket, not only would God not be happy with me, there wouldn't be anything left for me. No drive, no urge to achieve anything personal, spiritual or physical.

How many times have we started reading the Bible through in a year, just to fizzle out before January is over. We think 'I can start next year.' Why not start back tomorrow, or even today. Why do we put off doing things for the Lord but find time to do what we want to do.

We don't lean on God looking for support and strength. It is there for the asking. We just get too lazy to ask. Life is so much easier if we just float about on our merry way.

Look in the mirror. Don't look at the physical image. Look deeper. Listen. What is God telling you to do. What is he asking you to step out on faith and do. Promise that person you are looking at in the mirror that you will make an effort to do ONE thing today that is out of your comfort zone. Do one more thing tomorrow that is out of your comfort zone. Pretty soon you can build up strength. Where did that strength come from? Psalm 27:1, that is where. It is all over the Bible. God's promise to be there for us. There is an old song that says "He's only a prayer away".

Oh, how many times do we fail to call upon the name of the Lord until we have given up on all our own personal attempts. God is our last resort.
Why not make God our first resort. Life may just go a little smoother for us.
We as Americans should be remembering at this time of the year all our forefathers who braved the passage from England to come to America for religious freedom. Are we not blessed that they chose to have strength to break away from the church dictatorship to find freedom to worship.
Aren't we a blessed lot of people today. I thank God for allowing me the chance to choose my place of worship. Yes, I do believe we are blessed.
Until tomorrow,
I call upon God's strength to sustain me,

Verse of the Day:

Matthew 5:44-48 (New American Standard Bible)
44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
46"For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
47"If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
48"Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Random Thoughts:

I read that sunglasses were invented in China in the year 1200 to hide the eyes of judges sitting in a court from the ones being tried. Made me want to talk about the sun, hiding eyes and protecting eyes. What is good, what is healthy and what is way over the top? I guess that just depends on how rosy the glasses are you are looking through.

There are many reports that say to wear sunglasses with good uv protection to protect your eyes against cataracts. I personally cannot see as good with sunglasses and they bother me to wear them. Do I endanger myself by wearing them because I cannot see as good or do I wear them to protect my eyes as long as possible. Oh, my, what a two edged sword.

When we wear glasses are we protections our eyes or are we protecting our privacy to watch things we don't want others to know we are watching. What is a good pair of sunglasses? Cheap, expensive, middle of the road. Do we need one pair of glasses or a different color for every outfit. Yes, even guys are vain enough to match glasses to their clothes. Prescription or off the rack glasses. Oh the choices.

The sun is good for us. Gives us vitamins. The sun is bad for us. Gives us cancer. The sun is good for us. Dries out lungs. The sun is bad for us. Dries out skin. What is the solution.

Too much of anything is NOT a good thing.....unless it is God. There is never too much God. BTW, God is love, ergo, there is never too much love to go around.

Until tomorrow,

Letting the Son shine,
