My first thought of the day is.. some how my blog has been changed where I cannot choose the fonts I want nor print my words in color. If you know me at all, you know black and white are not my is all about the color. You should see my house. I only have one large closet painted white. Everything else is bright. EERRGGHH blogspot!!!!!
My second thought... is when did my children become the parent and I become the child. Every project that I come up with, some child decides that they need to give me advise. I am a responsible adult. I haven't gotten this far in raising them without a few pitfalls but I did okay.
My third thought...I have teetered with the idea of riding bikes with a group all summer. I am a chicken because I haven't been on a bike since I was 17 but thought "it would do me good", "I can't do this. I am too old." , " it will lower my blood sugar", " I will wipe out first time and ruin a bike and me". You get the idea. I have wish-washed back and forth all summer. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge....Sooooooooooooooo, now comes the next fun part. I have to find a bike. Listening to two different people, I have gotten the idea. (maybe) I have to make sure the bike isn't too tall for me. I have to have it "fitted". It cannot have shocks,has to have a small tire(road bike) , a gel seat, (my tush is suppose to thank me) and an aluminum frame. And going back to my second thought, you guessed it. My first concern is that it is a pretty color. After I get outfitted, I will let you know how bad it adventure is on my body. Well, I could tell you know but I will save it for another post. Some of the group I will be riding with have only been riding a month or two , some are seasoned professionals. One of the girls that is a newbie rode 16.5 miles this week. Don't think I can make anywhere near that type of time or endurance, This gal is way too old. There again, I will let you know.
my fourth thought....Next weekend is Labor Day weekend and I simply cannot wait. Memorial Day weekend our class of '75 from Lake City got together for a reunion. It was awesome. We agreed that we needed to get together more often. Next weekend we are hosting a cookout for the gang. I personally wish there were more folks attending but I will take what we can get. I know this is a last long weekend of summer and a lot of people have plans, but for the ones of us that don't, it is burgers, dogs and Boston butt. Can't wait. These were the friends of my youth and we grow apart but that kindred spirit of youth still prevails. I am so excited.
Thought number five...I have been talking with one of my grandsons today and realize how much of their life we are missing. These are the days that they change every day and I know I am missing so much. If you aren't a Nana, you would not appreciate the fact that I listened to my 17 month old grandson talk for 30 minutes this afternoon. He says Nana and Pop Pop and I promise that he doesn't remember us from the last time we say him but I thank his parents that that talk about us even though we aren't there.
It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood today and life is good. I started this blog early in the morning and have done a multitude of different activities during the day. I am sated with pleasing activities and ready to face tomorrow.
May your days be happy ones and your thoughts be randomly pleasing,

Summer is over and time has shifted from fun in the sun to school and football.I am ready for the football. I can't wait to get out in the stadium and root for the home team. Now of course, it would be nice if the temps would drop about 25 degrees. I truly am looking forward to fall this year. First, there is the fact that my little cousin has walked on at stAte, then there is the fact that Doug is taking a couple of trips that leaves me time to get some things done around the house before Christmas decorating happens. Then there is the fact that I am going on a weekend sabbatical. I am looking so forward to that weekend. I can't wait to hibernate with a couple of good magazines , a good book, my ipod and tunes and pray that the weather cooperates. I love cool weather and hope that it has dropped to the point the if I go outside I need a lightweight jacket. Oh, yeah, that would be wonderful.
One of the first signs of fall is the grasshoppers on the windows at work. When they start to gather, I know that football is right around the corner.
I know that when football starts the first few games will be so hot that we will sit in the stands and sweat. By the time the season is over, we will all be wrapped in coats, mittens, hats, blankets and hot chocolate in our hands. Now THAT is football weather. Brock is a freshman walk on and he probably won't see much action this year but I will be there to support him whatever he does.
This year I had a new experience. All my kiddos have long since past the days of first day of school. I really don't miss those days, either. The young lady next door at work has an embroidery shop. "Commercial Threads" has been next door for a few months. Lisa, the owner, is a sweetheart I have know for 15 or so years and I was so excited when she moved in. I never dreamed that I would be helping her with her back to school rush. It was so much fun. I honestly cannot wait til the Christmas rush. We work late at night. She runs the machines and I clean everything up when it comes of the machine. I love taking the strings off, cleaning up the projects and seeing how neat they come out. I could be able to look at backpacks, lunch bags and preschool blankies and proudly say,"hey, I worked on that"!
Along with the end of summer, I have finished most of my Christmas cards and have started planning my holiday get togethers. Each year we tend to add a party or two. We love to welcome people into our house.
I have to come up with new foods to serve and new ways to decorate the trees . I love parties and when people come to my house, I want them to feel at home. I don't want fussy to dos. I want you to feel welcome in blue jeans or your best holiday togs. Getting ready for those parties is what fall means to me. When fall hits the air, Christmas is just around the corner.
Grasshoppers and Merry Christmas to one and all,
Wasn't that a motto from years gone by for one of the servicefriends_forever.<span class=jpg (550×413)"> organizations. Army, National Guard or something? It isn't a bad motto. Who are we anyway. Why do we have to be less than our best when we are around other people. Why do we treat others less admirably than we want to be treated ourselves?
But if the shoe were on the other foot, we would be so appalled if we were treated awful. I heard so many stories of people being treated wrong for no reason. Who are we to judge and sentence people just for our own good. I really don't think God would look down on that kind of behavior with favor.
I have had people hurt me for their own gain. It hurts. I have heard friends tell me of similar stories. I hurt for them. I also have friends that retaliate. I don't know if that is the best effort but it works for them.
I heard a friend say that sometimes "karma bites". He was kind of joking but he was enjoying seeing the results for someone that deserved what they got. Now he really didn't wish it on the other person, but I think he got pleasure in that the person that had gotten their "just reward" shall we say.
So my thought really is...if we be all that we can be....everyone of us, what a better place this would be. There are times that I simply don't feel like being the best that I can be. There are times I have my own "pity party" and want to wallow in it. This morning I had a burst of temper or exasperation or something that I blew my stack. As soon as I took out my frustrations, I felt like an idiot that I blew it for no real reason. I immediately felt bad for taking it our on someone else. Someone that I care about. Why do we become the worst beast around those we care about. YES, I did apologize. That was after the fact. I never should have blown up like that.
Funny thing about this blog post. I started it yesterday and never got around to finishing it. Now I am eating crow. How sad. I had this thought in my own mind and still blew it. Man, do I feel like a heel.
I have learned a lot of things on the computer but one thing I Friends (213).<span class= haven't learned is how to download videos from you tube and post. There is a "Toy Story" song that goes something like "You got a friend in me". I really wish that I could download it to the blog . IT is so perfect for what is really on my mind. If I am the friend I should be, you will have a friend in me.
Really, what good does it do to lash out to someone else because we aren't happy or things aren't going our way. I used to hear someone say quite often, "don't judge another man this you walked a mile in his shoes, you never know what type of burden they are carrying." How true is that.I truly believe that if we make a conscious effort to put on a happy persona we can share happiness instead of bitterness.
We cannot change the whole world. Now that would be looking through rosy glasses. We can make an effort to change day at a time. Occasionally we will digress but forward momentum will sustain us to be better people.
until next time I am working on my temper,
sorry friend,
still working on it,

As I ponder some of life's deepest questions I have come to realize that life really is short, we are just passing through this place for a short while on our way to a final destination, we will mess up, we will do some things right and we will have euphoria and well will have heartache. Those are just facts.

What we perceive as heartache....maybe it isn't so much heartache but we overachieve our own expectations. What we do right...maybe we think so lowly of ourselves that when life is done right we are elated. Are we over or underachievers in our own lives. Or do we sit around just waiting to see what yet another day may bring.

There are times when I feel as those I am in the middle of a season of bad luck. What else will happen. That is when I try to think good, happy thoughts and dreams to make it through. Then something else bad happens and in my mind I plotted a happy future. Now that puts me lower than ever.

I can only assume that we all have made dreams of the what ifs.....I won the lottery, I had a long lost rich cousin to die and I was the only heir, I found ten thousand dollars in a wallet and no one claimed it. You know the scene. In the end, it is all called financial security. It is all material.

I have two friends that have share a same dream. One is a young mother of one. The other an older father of four grown children. They have one major wish and or prayer that comes with a two edged sword. One needs a properly functioning kidney. The other a new heart. For each of these to achieve their desire in life, someone must die. How very sad. How sad that there are so many chances to pass on life to someone else yet our loved ones choose not to share with other families that are in need. I have for years signed my drivers license as a doner, this time I chose not to. Someone had talked me out of it. If I had something happen to me, I would hope that my family would at least see if I am a match for either of my friends first. I could give them something in death that I could never give them in life. If not for them, if I have healthy organs, please allow me to make someone else family happy by giving them the present of extended life to their own loved one.

I am convinced that when I do die, even with body parts removed, I shall obtain the perfect body again as soon as St. Peter stamps my hand and lets me through the pearly gates. What my body is like here on earth at that point doesn't matter. I prefer to be cremated but my family chooses not to do that to me. I do have other death request that I am adamant about but I do choose to share life with others in need. Friends first.

If I could know that should I be able to do that, I think that would be my greatest accomplishment while I walked this earth. If I could do that, I hope the people that reap the benefits would be appreciative of the gesture of someone that desired to see their life extended. God gave us his Son as the greatest gift. I think as a person, that could be our greatest gift.

I am hoping that if one person reads this and signs their card the next time you get your drivers' license it is worth writing this.

Give the gift of life,

Your love will be carried on,

Loving ya,


As a mother, mother-in-law and Nana I want things to run smoothly for all my family. I don't like to see ripples in the water. And for sure, I hate seeing the water white cap.
When that water gets to stirring around my first instinct is to jump in and see if I can help. I am sure that isn't what my kiddos want to see me do but by now they know me. If there is a situation I think I can guide them about, well, I speak my mind. Sorry, that is my mother coming out in me.
Life is a little rocky for some of the younger Davis' right now and one of my little wise daughter-in-laws just really gave me a slap on the face last night. Ouch!
Life is changing drastically for them and I ask her what was in the plans for the near future. Her answer.."I don't know. We will just have to wait and see what God has in store for us". Now that is a double ouch.
You see, sometimes I really want to help God take care of things. I want to help micromanage what happens in our family. The need to feel in control is strong.
The choice to sit back and wait for God's direction is hard. The reminder from someone half my age to do so is even more painful. However, it does make my trust in their decisions so much better.
So today I am learning a lesson from the younger generation that I have preached but have not practiced.
Still trying,

Today I am seeking advice from all who may read this blog that knows anything about a lab puppy. The Davis house is at our wits end with the most loving, stubborn 8 month old half Black Lab, half Newfy dog. She refuses to be potty trained, she gets things she knows she is not suppose to have....just to get us to chase her. It is her game. She does chew everything in site and most things we couldn't even begin to find. She jumps up on us every time we come through the door and she is so big we have trouble making her mind. Help!!!
We would take any advice anybody has to give us. Someone told Doug today..."Chew til two, then shed til dead." I don't know if our house can stand another sixteen months of puppy. EERRGGG! We try to keep her on a schedule but that doesn't always work. She gets up at least one if not twice in the middle of the night to go outside. Yep.... I get to take her out in the wee hours of the morning. She won't do her business unless we go out with her and give her a treat after she finishes.
I have tried things like pepper sauce on things she has chewed and she just licks the pepper sauce off. When you spat her with the fly swatter she thinks it is a game. Everything in the trash can is fair game for her to get and chew up.
I thought when we got her that she would be more Newfy than Lab but obviously, she has turned out to be mostly Lab.
Delilah goes on point so very easily that if she were trained and not so stubborn she would make a great hunt dog but since we don't hunt that is a moot point at our house.
Tried and true plans of attack would be great and you might try this type of idea would also be appreciated.
Mama is getting close to the snapping point around here and when mama snaps everyone knows.
I keep thinking that one day all the do's and don'ts will click in. Nope , hasn't happened. Like I said, she is a sweetheart when she is asleep but when she in on the prowl, no rest for the weary.
Until next time,
A dog trainer I ain't,

For the past year, I think I have been on automatic overdrive. I don't think there is such a term but I hope you get the picture. There are things I am responsible for, I do them and move on to the next chore. Whether it be at home, church, work or play. I take one project at a time, finish it and move on to the next. Never planning to far ahead.
My emotions have been in the same gear. I cannot remember the last bout of tears. My thought process has only assimilated the immediate project at hand. I knew I had not turned callous but I have become matter of fact. Yes, my heart still hurts at things but I simply choose not to let emotions get involved. You know that when a young mother comes into your place of work and has to order a casket spray for her stillborn babe there is no way you don't want to walk around the counter and give them a hug.
My week just seemed to come tumbling down this week. My boss had yet another surgery this week. I worry for his health, and when he is gone, my day consist of being inside the four walls of the shop from 7 or earlier to 4:45. I miss the getting out and seeing people as I deliver flowers to them. I sat on pins and needles waiting on updates of my boss. I found out this week a long time acquaintance has some very serious health issues. I have ladies in my Sunday School class that are dealing with family issues. Three of them have encountered deaths in their family in the last few months. Three of them are dealing with aging parents on a daily basis. Then I have the friend who had a nephew killed and I know her hurt along with her daughters' hurt as well as knowing the young man that was killed. Then I had a friend tell me last night he was having a health flare up. The weather has been bad and Doug has been dealing with his asthma the last few days.
To add the fact that there was a job change in our house a couple of months ago and I constantly worry about my grown children and everything that happens in their lives. One daughter-in-law has been having health issues that have not been diagnosed. Another has a tear in her knee requiring surgery probably pretty soon.
In saying all that, let me explain that when I care, I worry, I take everything to heart. I guess I am the martyr of worrying. Last night after I found out about the death of the young man, that was my melting spot. All the tears that I had pent up for so long finally broke loose. The tears have been in abundance. Maybe it is good. Maybe it is bad. At present it is simply a fact. I cry as I write this.
As I prepared to teach the Sunday School lesson this morning the lesson was from Philippians 4 . The wrap up of Paul telling us to be joyous in every situation. Funny (ironic) that this was the one morning that I couldn't plaster a smile on my face and take Paul's word to heart. There were simply too many people hurting in that room.
Funny, the song I am listening to right now is "The Way we Were". Memories. Good ones, bad ones. They all shape our lives. Don't worry about me. I will be okay and put my shield back up. May take a day or two but I will put back on my strong persona and keep on trucking. I may not be as good a friend as I need to be to all while I am having my pity party but I will rebound.
I love my family...I love my friends...and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for those I care about if it is within my realm of capabilities. If I count you as friend, know that you are loved and there is a spot for you in my heart. My heart will grow with every friend I meet. There is room for you all. I hope you feel the same way.
If you are my friend or my family I hope you can come to me with what is on your heart and talk and know that I will listen and not judge. My ears are always open for friends and family. I might have to squeeze a time slot in for you but I want to be there for all that I love.
So until I write a touch of prose again...
Love makes the world go round !!

For someone that works 5 and one half days a week today is a very special day. As a matter of fact this whole weekend has been. I usually teach Sunday School every Sunday and there was no Sunday School yesterday. That gave me a free Sunday. With yesterday being the holiday and me being off today, well today is sheer bliss. I got up when I wanted to....two days in a row. I ate breakfast when I wanted to, stayed up as late as I liked on Saturday and Sunday night. Ahhhhh, sheer bliss.
If I ever have another job, 5 days will be a max for me. I might even strive for a 3 or 4 day work week. Wouldn't that be wonderful for somebody who has been regimented 7 days a week for 33 years. What would I do? Well, let's see. My energy level is at it's highest first thing in the morning. I could do cleaning while no one is home. That is a start. I could shop when the stores are not covered up with angry tired people that just got off work themselves. That would be wonderful. I could Christmas shop without every register being lined up 10 people deep. Oh, the possibilities are endless.
I could win the powerball and I could retire FOREVER. The only problem with that is that I would have to buy a powerball ticket. Can't win without buying a ticket, right?
Next, I could do a little more traveling. Grand kids would be calling my name. Oh, yeah. There is one thing that I would make sure to day that I have never been capable of doing. I would fine somewhere to volunteer. I don't care what it is. It could be an animal shelter, one of the local hospitals or some crisis center. There has to be some place that would need me and I could be the right fit.
But what would be my one project if I had spare time? I would rid my house of junk, junque, and more junk!!!!!!
Every room has drawers and closets that need to have tons of stuff discarded. If I took one room at a time, it could take weeks but I would finally get rid of lots of stuff we have accumulated over the years. Getting rid of stuff might allow me to be a tad more organized, too. You know the old saying a place for everything and everything in its place, or something like that. How I would love to be able to go some place and what ever I was hunting for be right there.
I have so much stuff that has to be organized that I don't even know where to start. Yesterday, I threw away a whole garbage sack of papers and old stuff just out of one room. I am the only person that uses the room and I haven't even dug the pictures out from under the bed and worked on that. I need to scrapbook a ton of pictures so I can put the others away. With so much to do, I just fail to be motivated. One of these day, I will have the energy and desire to do it. But until that day, I have about 4 boxes of pictures and 3 or 4 photo albums that need to be filled. One of these days..... One of these days.
I have a dream. Don't tell any body but some day the flower shop will close or sell and my dream is to not work for the public but to have a wedding consultation business. Work out of my own home. Be a wedding coordinator slash director. I know that would put me to work every week end but hey, I would have other days free. I know quite a bit about the business and I enjoy making brides' special day a easy as possible. That is one of my greatest satisfactions. BUT...if that is to happen....I need an organized office. Where I want my office looks like a bomb has gone off. So much to do, I don't know where to start. Yes, I do. Another "one garbage bag at a time" project.
Aside from that, if you know of a bride that needs a wedding coordinator, I will work cheap until I try to do this full time. Feel free to be a name dropper for me!!!!
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, makes me happier than to know the bride thinks she has pulled off the perfect wedding day. In case you didn't know it, there is no such time as a perfect wedding day. I have never encountered a wedding that there wasn't at least one planned thing that flopped. I always tell the bride not to get uptight because something will happen.
I heard a story from a friend that they were at a wedding and when the bride and groom knelled to pray, the groomsmen had put "call" on one of the grooms shoes and "911" on the other shoe. That cracked up prayer time. It is gonna happen.
But that is a story line for another day. Everything that could go wrong at a wedding will. I will have to remember that for a blog. Well, my random thoughts are rambling today, so until the next time...
Dreaming of organization,

Tomorrow marks the first of July. With that in mind, we embark upon our true National Holiday. We as Americans celebrate some other national holidays, but this is our True one. The one where our freedom is remembered and celebrated annually. Most of us don't take the time to appreciate what this day really means.
Oh, sure it is a day (or few days) off from the rat race, met with family and friends grilling and eating ice cream and watermelon. The day is culminated with fireworks and mosquitoes and everyone goes home hot, tired and feeling good for another year.
We may even listen to a tad of patriotic music as we wat
ch the fireworks with the added appropriate ohhs and ahhhs.
We have freedom....freedom to choose to worship our God. Our country tend
s to forget that is what we came over here for. To get away from the dictatorship of telling us what we can and cannot do. Now we cannot have a nativity or the mention of God on our courthouse lawns. The atheist have made sure of that. Their claim is that by adding God to our country their rights are not met. Hello!!!! Anybody listening???? We moved here to have the choice to worship our God in our own way. That would be by having prayer in our schools, God on our courthouse lawns at Christmas , "under God" in our pledge and the gospel allowed to be spoken over the airwaves . Now in saying that, If you do not Believe, you have the right to omit "Under God" and you have the right not to admire the Nativity, but you have the obligation not to celebrate the Christmas Season, also. Cannot have your cake and eat it, too. (So to speak.)
Now to get off
my soapbox and recant some wonderful July 4th memories....As a child, our 4th was spent at Walnut Ridge and Portia every year having a fish fry or a feast. No hamburgers and chips for this family. Many years it was catfish and all the trimmings. As I got older, it was roast, fried chicken, fresh garden veggies and desserts galore. We had to make this trip every year so that my dad could make his annual trek to the Portia picnic. He would sometimes take me along but this was a trip for him. Every person he had every met in Lawrence County would be there and he would have to talk to them. I would politely stand by his side, observing all the rides that I knew I would not be allowed to ride. All the other kids got to ride and have fun....I got to stand by my dad and listen to conversations about the weather and how it would affect crops.
I don't think I ever shot off a firecracker until I had a drivers license.

After my kiddos came along, it was a treat to go to the Elks lodge and watch the fireworks at night. Yes, we had burgers, dogs chips and watermelon. Things I missed as a kid. In 1983 we sat on the Jernigan's lawn and had a perfect view of the fireworks. The only difference is that it probably was still 95 degrees that night and I was 3 days from delivering Blake. I was miserable and Jeremiah kept crying that the noise hurt his ears. I thought..."Am I crazy? I don't like it, Jeremiah doesn't like it, Doug is mad at Jeremiah because he is upset and Douglas is upset because he thought we were going to leave early. What in the world am I doing?" Looking back it was a wonderful memory. I was not at the time. How time changes things we remember!!
Later in life, Doug and I went to Atlanta to visit friends one summer. While we were there, the four of us went to Stone Mountain for the laser show. This was before lasers were everywhere. The finale was Lee Greenwood singing his famous song "I am proud to be an American". The evening was awesome and I thought that one day I would take my kids back on the Fourth of July to see that. Yeah, right!! Me and ten million other people. That never did happen but I did think that would be the perfect 'Ward and June Cleaver' adventure.
Life changes, we grow older, kids grow up and there is a new generation now cooking burgers and dogs for their families, having wagon parades in the neighborhoods, and waving their flags of freedom to the music of outdoor concerts playing all our patriotic music.
War happens, peace happens, soldiers fight for our freedom today just like they did 225 years ago. Some come home, some don't, the price is high for you and me to live in the land of the free. Do NOT take the privilege lightly. Never fail to appreciate the people that fight for our freedom. On foreign soil and on our home soil. In the military and our law enforcement on city , county , state and federal levels. They protect us every day. We can never say that we are 100 percent safe but we can say that we have the best protection of any country on this earth.
I am proud to be an American,
today and always,

"RACINE - Is President Barack Obama visiting Racine?

The White House has announced that Obama will be in southeastern Wisconsin Wednesday.

They have not yet announced the location of his visit, but NBC Chicago announced Friday that he is coming to Racine.

Racine officials also said they have heard rumors about the visit, but could not confirm it.

NBC's site said, 'President Barack Obama plans to travel to Racine, Wisconsin next week to discuss the economy....The White House just released a note for planning purposes.'

Matt Lehrich, the White House's Midwest communication director, could not confirm their report. He said the location of the president's visit would be formally announced in the next couple days.

Obama came to Racine in February 2008 as a part of his presidential campaign and spoke at Memorial Hall, 72 7th St."

Douglas, our oldest son, called me yesterday and had me to look up this article in the Racine Journal Times. He had been hinting to keep checking the paper for the last few days. I have to admit, he didn't say a word about it, BUT, he had told me that he had a lot of extra pressure at work last week. I would never have dreamed that this was what his extra pressure was.

Douglas has dealt with President Obama when he was presidential candidate Obama in when Douglas worked at a facility in Davenport, Iowa. Secret Service it tight for candidates but even tighter for a sitting president.

If any of you know my son, well, you know he walks to the beat of the different drummer, as they say. If he thinks it...he says it. If he says he is gonna do it....well, he does. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Douglas is ANTI Obama. He has learned in his profession not to judge politics. He has to deal with all kinds. What he tends to do is get upset very easily shall I put this mildly...."stupid people". Whether it is his own staff or the contact people for events. He is learning to keep his mouth shut, but , bless his heart, it just opens sometimes.

HENCE, this mama's worry for the next few days. I can just see him getting mad about something and spouting off right in the middle of the presidents discussion period and the secret service having Douglas on the floor and in handcuffs in a heartbeat. Don't tell me that I exaggerate. This could actually happen. If you happen to see me Wednesday, please don't tell me that CNN or Fox has reported that the Operations Director at the Racine Civic Center has been arrested during the president's visit.

This mama will be so glad when Thursday gets here.

I love you Douglas,


I had thought about a topic for my next muse and just as I sat down I read m daughter-in-laws last post to her blog. She just confirmed that I needed to write about choices.
I am a 50 something wife, mother, work 5 1/2 day a week, church on Sunday gal. All 7 days of my week are filled.....every week. That puts me in a routine. There is safety in routines. News flash, though....that routine can turn into boredom. I am such a boring person, even I don't like me sometimes... Why should anybody else.
Last month, I did something out of the ordinary. I went to the class reunion from the school I should have graduated from. (Long story for another day). I have not kept up with these people very much because I felt that I didn't fit in since I left. I wrote a post on that so I shan't dwell on that aspect.
Since then, I have picked up a friendship with a few of these folks that I would never had thought of doing. It is like I was 15 again and we never skipped a day.
Had I stayed in the rut and chose not to go to the reunion dinner, I would have missed such a wonderful opportunity. I would have missed the chance of a lifetime to rekindle old friendships.
When I go shopping, Doug will tag along and go from bench to bench and I always feel hurried. Last night I told he to sit at Barnes and Noble (I knew he was tired) and I would just shop the mall. I wasn't hurried and had FUN just browsing for a change. I forgot what that was like. I usually am always on a quest when I go shopping and it was so much fun just to look!
I always spend tons of time on the computer but unless it is my kiddos I have never grabbed the chance to chat with friends on facebook. I have learned that I would much rather chat with friends than surf the facebook notes. I am reconnecting with people that I have forgotten to maintain friendships with and I really do care about their lives. I just have never shown it. I am such a bad friend. I hope all these people don't think I have been a snob, I just was in a rut and chose not to get involved. Sorry friends!

One of my secret wants in life has always been to get a tattoo. Funny, I have 3 sons and none of them want a tattoo. I have one daughter-in-law that wants a tat -too. (groan) Maybe we will go together sometime and get one. Anyone have a suggestion on what I might get or where I should put it? Let me know. What do you think about the hearts. I don't want to show off a tattoo , just have one.

Another dream I have had for years, doesn't make sense but I have been thinking about it again. I want to go away for a weekend. Just me and maybe two or three good magazines and a very good book. I want to get up when I want to, read what I want to, walk when I want to, sleep when I want to and just take time to pamper me. Take me a two litre of Diet Dr. Pepper, maybe some grapes and cheese, some coffee, creamer and splenda. Don't know that I will ever get the guts up to do that one, but it is still in the back of my mind. Doug has been to De Gray and said it was pretty. That might be a great fall weekend. Yes, I do believe I could sit on that porch for 48 hours all by myself. Sigh!!
The one thing that I CHOOSE is to make a conscious effort to be happy every day. No one else wants to hear my woes and the more I share them the lower I get. I choose to be happy, instead. This past year has been stressful and from time to time I want to escape that everyday life. Another reason the get a way sound awesome. It sounds better every day...
Still pondering,

Well, friends, I have spent the last few days trying to set up my Christmas 2010 blog. Not with much success, I am sad to report. In the past I have set up 3 blogs. I worked out all the details of blogs 1, 2, and 3 by myself in a snap. This one has me buffaloed. I want to do something a little different and I have butt my head against the wall for days. In case you don't know it about me...I hate being frustrated!!

I have learned how to erase and edit codes. Now that one scared the bejeezzzzzzus out of me. If I had anything written yet, I am not sure I would have tried it. When I ask my son, the techie nerd, for help, he tells me that isn't something he has ever done before. Well, hello, if you can build, strip, reformat, and write programs for one of these darned ole contraptions , surely you can sure a few minutes and get some answers for me.

I as excited about the Christmas blog for this year. I plan to make it a work in progress instead of just posting the trees like I did last year. When I get a few blogs added, I will share with everyone. I just got in the habit of sharing this one every time I posted so I still do.

The Christmas Tree Lady is already falling behind for the year. I don't have all my trees planned out nor where to put them. I have my Christmas cards bought and still plan to address them next week. That is a traditional "Fourth of July" event at my house. I usually have parties set and menus already planned out.

You can laugh all you want to, but come mid September, all hands and minds will be to start implementing the plan for the season. That is the PLAN that isn't complete yet.

With my love for the Christmas holiday season, I still remember that all the fun is paled by the real reason we celebrate. How wonderful it is to have a Saviour that died for all our sins. A God that forgives our mistakes and loves us unconditionally. Nothing compares to those thoughts at the holiday time, but I never want to miss an opportunity to open my home and welcome guest to share the season with us.

Now bear in mind, this is not a "House Beautiful" home. It is more like a "Country Cottage" home but I hope that all people that grace our doors will feel welcomed and comfortable while we partake of the joys of the season.

I am getting excited about making more plans even as I report on my lack of effort to date. Can't wait to get some plans laid out.

The one thing I do know it that our family tree( our main themed tree of the season) will be "teddy bears" and I we have already picked out the pattern for Doug's ornaments. Every year the number of ornaments he makes increases. This year, I am guessing he will make close to one hundred ornaments to give to our friends and family. Yes, that is a lot of hard work. It is also a labor of love. And a wonderful testimony to all the friends that we have.

I am blessed to have so many and such wonderful friends!

Getting ready to start planning the Season.

The Christmas Tree Lady,


Today if Father's Day. Happy Father's day to all dad's who read this. It takes more that just having the baby to be a father.

It takes:

unconditional love

many early nights of changing diapers

many school nights of homework assignments

many teen years of waiting up late for them to come home

one hard day of letting them go

many years of watching their lives from afar

an eternity of always caring about their lives

and did I mention unconditional love?

I have had the pleasure to encounter many great dads. The dad that come home late and checked homework even though he wasn't there in the evenings.

The dad that was a cub scout leader.

The dad that made soccer games even though they did not totally understand the game.

The dad that is totally inept but would stay up all night putting together a Christmas toy.

The dad that wore his lucky shirt to all his sons' ballgames.

The dad that works 60 hours a week and still coaches kiddy ballgames.

There are many ways to show love to a child without giving them the world on a platter and all the ways that I mentioned are prime examples of Love. I am sure in each situation, dad would have preferred to take a snooze on the sofa or watch a little baseball but chose to do the thing that would make a memory with a child.

After children are grown, we have to let them try their wings. Children will never understand just how hard this is until they hit that milestone themselves. Kids cannot understand why we worry. "I am mature, I can take care of myself!" Maybe you can but sometimes you may be in that situation were you need a little help. That is what parental concern is all about.

What is the just reward for being a great dad? Satisfaction in knowing that maybe you helped shape the son or daughter into the person they are today. If you ask my husband, he will tell you "grandchildren". Yes, we joke about that. You put up with these kids all these years, just to be able to have grandkids.

So if you are one of those people that get exasperated over a dad that worries over you, just remember that worry comes with a ton of love. The desire for you to have a good life. And what is the thanks we get for that? I think back to the days of my youth to a song by Cat Stephens (before he changed his name) about "The Cat's in the Cradle", dad is busy while son is growing up. dad grows older and slows down but son is too busy to enjoy life with dad.

Is that not what we call the circle of life? One thing I have learned in my half century plus of living. Most of us spend too much time planning the future that we forget to enjoy the present.

What ever you choose to do today for Fathers Day, the one thing I urge everyone to day is live for today. Don't dwell on the past or make plans to change a loved one for the future. Enjoy today!!

Happy Fathers Day 2010,


August is typically known as the dog days of summer. We have hit dog days. It is so hot even the dogs won't do anything. It is all in an effort to stay cool. The computer shows it is 96 outside. The thermostat shows it is 79 in here. It really isn't that hot because we have fans going everywhere. The thing about it is still spring according to the calender. We have heat advisories out and everybody you meet say"think it is hot enough for you?".

Yes, it is hot enough. It is way too hot. It won't be long til some weather reporter will say "let's see if the egg will fry on the sidewalk". Who cares !! We are not going to eat the egg anyway.

What we will do is fuss about how hot it is. Read in the paper about someone dying from heat stroke while out running in 105 degree weather. Hear of an elderly person dying in a hot house because they are scared to open the windows and didn't have an air conditioner. People in ER's and 911 centers will be overly aware of how heavy the oppressive heat is affecting our community. We fuss about how hot the heat is and go on about our business.

I don't really understand why it gets so hot. I don't know why it gets so cold. I don't know why we have ice storms or tornadoes. But...we do. God chooses to place these extreme weather patterns in our lives. Maybe it is because we need to fuss.( Yeah, right.) Maybe it is because God wants to remind us who is in control.

People MUST use common sense when it comes to extreme weather. Take care of you selves and the pets . Stay as cool as possible and , well.....make the best of those lazy, hazy days of SPRING.
Until later,
chill dude,

Oh, the places I wanna go to. First, let me say that most of the time my desire is to go see grand babies. I don't get to see them much and miss so much of their lives. Aside from that, there are a few places I would love to see before I get so old I cannot enjoy them. Today is a rambling of those places.......

The place I most want to see is Alaska. I read about the Aurora in grade school and have had the desire to see it ever since. I know that even a trip to Alaska gives no guarantees that I would get to see it, but my chances would be better than staying at home. Especially if I studied the cycles and when they most often make their appearances. Not only the aurora, but I would love to see the snow covered mountains, all the pristine waters, the wilderness and the habitat of outback Alaska.

Second on my list would be New England in the fall of the year. I could see the sap being drawn from the maple trees. The leave covered roads, the back roads with maybe pictures of some of the old bridges, and the mountains covered in a wide vista of color. The crisp smells of fall draw my name. The closest I have every come to this one is the Ozarks in the fall. Eureka with all the apple stands and hot cider on the side of the road. Very few pictures because I was so close to all the trees that I couldn't get good pictures.

The third stop on my dream of travels would be The Biltmore in Ashville, NC. Not only do I want to see the Biltmore, I want to see it at Christmastime. I would love to be there for the annual gingerbread contest. I could appreciate all the talent of these people first hand instead of on the television. The estate would also be decorated in it's finest. I don't think I could take enough pictures of this place. Although I don't even know if pictures are allowed inside. I really wouldn't mind living in a place that big. I could get lost for days. Do you think anyone would ever miss me? Nah, I doubt it.

The last place on my dream places is the Opryland hotel at Christmas. We drove by some of the outside last year but I want to see all the inside festivities. After the flood this spring I wonder how much grandeur will be replaced for the holidays. I hope it can be restored to the original beauty. We have been at the hotel in summer, but Christmas has such an air about it. I hope I have not missed my opportunity to see it at it's finest.

Those are my top four places I would love to travel to. There are honorable mentions, but they fail by comparison. Some of those places on the quick list would be...The Grand Tetons, Mt. Rushmore, Branson, D.C. and maybe NYC. I would put that one way down on my list.
A few places I or we have been that I would love to travel to again....Albuquerque to see all the places we missed. There is also Montreal. I got to see a lot of the grand city but I am sure there is plenty that missed my site. I would love to take a trip to Disney world with the grand boys when they get a little older to appreciate all the hoopla. And finally I would love to return to Seattle. The city just cried out to me. I loved it when there before but it didn't rain on us everyday like we were promised. I want to see the true Seattle.

Well, the places we go and what it means to us. Dr. Seuss had a good idea but to tell the truth, Dorothy has the greatest idea.

There is no place like home.

There is no place like home.

There is no place like home,

Sweet home.

Until later I shall prop my feet up and
look at the travel magazines and

I usually don't drive but a couple of miles a day in my car, just back and forth to work twice a day. I live less than a mile from work, so that means I don't have much radio time each day. Wednesdays, I drive to church to eat with friends and fellowship with others, so I do get a little more radio time. Tonight as I was coming home, I was listening to "the true oldies channel" and the song "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" came on. Now to be fair, there are a lot of songs from the 60's and 70's that must have been written under the influence and I always kind of thought this one was, too. As I was driving home with the windows down, (my old car doesn't have a/c) I decided to turn up the volume and jam with the song. As I listened to the words, it dawned on me just what The Hollies were singing about. Me cuppa to them. They had a deep and profound message in the song and all this time I thought they were wasted.

It was me that didn't get with the program. If someone we love has a burden, we carry that burden with them and it "isn't" a heavy load to carry.

Not long ago we discussed in Sunday School that one person carrying a burden is heavy, but if you share the burden with someone that cares for you and loves you, they too will tote the burden . As you share it, the burden lightens.

Aside from that bit of enlightenment, I have been listening to the oldies a lot lately. You can get downright sappy and sentimental over oldies. But...why is it that there are good ole summertime songs and no wintertime songs. When you think of a song, it always brings back summertime memories. Now that isn't a bad thing because we all had free summers and more time to play and stuff. Maybe more time to be outdoors with radios and fun times. I really don't know, I just remember fun times. The other thing I associate with some of the old music is skating to some of it. "I'm a girl watcher" was a great skate song. The beat was just perfect to skate to. Skating is another story for another day.

Now there are some songs that just reek summer. How about "School's out for summer" . Well, yeah! "In the summer of 65", how about cruisin' songs. Doesn't the thought of summer songs make you want to go outside, dig a little bit of heat, a soft breeze on your face and good summer songs.

Oh, the thought of it all takes me back to the days of my youth. Being outside riding bikes with friends and yard hopping. We were always welcome at every bodies yard. We would ride for a couple of hours, get kool-ade at this house, ride a little more, chill for a while somewhere else. The days went by so fast.

One summer in particular, I remember some of the local boys decided they wanted to start a band. I think I heard them sing..."doot, doot, doot, looking out my backdoor" a million times that summer. But the truth remains, every time I hear it, it still have great thoughts of that summer.

Take a minute, reflect on some of your own good ole summertime songs. Close the eyes and turn back the clock of time. Find your youth for a few minutes. It might just lighten your step a tad.

If you ever want to listen to some good oldies, just go to and connect with some good oldies. Scott Shannon also adds a lot of oldie trivia that in very enjoyable.

Happy listening,

As I just left facebook, I read a post asking if it ever gets easier. She was referring to the death of a loved one. Made me think, we have just gone through Memorial Day and all remembering the deaths of our soldiers. It also makes us reminisce about our dead loved ones.

Under the best of circumstances, it is so hard to say goodbye to loved ones. Under the most extreme circumstances, sometimes just downright unbearable.

The best thing to get through the death process is faith in God and depending on the unconditional love of others.

On the flip side of the coin, if it is our friend or loved one hurting, we need to be the one giving the unconditional love. Maybe we have encountered hard feeling somewhere along the way...time for forgiveness. Life is fleeting, by the way.

Life is too short to harbor ill feelings. Some of the things we just can't "forgive and forget....just "Give it to God and get over it". Press on to something more important.

The best thing we can do for our deceased loved ones is to have fond memories but not live for them as if they are coming back. They aren't but we will all rejoice again in our heavenly home. (Just make sure that you are on track for your heavenly destination.

This has been a gloom and doom writing today but it was so heavy on my heart, just had to share. I hurt when my friends hurt and sometimes words just do not do the trick to ease their pain and give them comfort.

Don't worry about getting to close to someone for fear of them dying, leaving or drifting away from you. Any time you spend building a relationship it time well spent. Enjoy your loved ones, your friends , and yes, even embrace those who have hurt you. They may just be the one to help you the most in your time of need.

Saying a prayer today for those of my friends hurting from losses,


Happy June to every one. There are weddings in the air, birthdays and anniversaries all around, hurricane season starts today, the lightnin' bugs are dancing in the evening in full force and it is time for the temperatures to soar into the hot-ties.

By the way, according to Robin Roberts of GMA today and the first day of every month it is good luck to say "rabbit, rabbit". Don't know why but anyway.

Our life changed drastically last month. After 30 plus years Doug changed jobs. Today is also the first pay check for the new job. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it really is. When times change, bills still go on and that security still needs to be there.

June is also the month that I kind of get serious about my Christmas decorating. I will start mapping out my trees for the year in a few days, start compiling our Christmas card list and start putting our parties on the calendar. I can't wait to get started. Just have a couple of project to get out of the way first. Doug cut out another sample of our teddy bear Christmas ornament yesterday. I think I really am going to like the teddy bear theme this year.
We now have a dog that has to have a people person go outside with her while she does her business. Last night as I sat outside while Delilah ran around sniffing every blade of grass, I noticed just how active all the lightning bugs were. That has always been one of my favorite times in the evening. Just a cool breeze with a small sway in the trees and lightning bugs doing a dance low to the grass . How peaceful in a city that has horns and sirens blaring and trains running and all the other noises of the city. Just tune it all out and watch the dance of nature.
Until later,
I go get a cup of coffee and enjoy the early morning quiet,
Ahhh, Vera

I was very faithful for a few months to blog on this site. I gave it up on New Years Eve. There comes a time for a break. Now, as I reflect over the last couple of weeks of my life, it is time to write again. I don't know how often or even if I do blog again for another six months, but, today I write. we grow older, our perspective of friendship changes. We grow away from our childhood friends, become friends with our children's friends parents, our church or business friends or..well, you get the idea.

What happens to our childhood friends? I met with some last Friday evening for about 3 hours and it was like we had seen each other yesterday, except we all have children, grandchildren and some of us even have gray hair now. Yep, that is me, gray hair and all.

One of my friends ask how I enjoyed the evening. Responded that it was really like I was sixteen again. Why do we have to leave these great people behind when we take on new direction in life. They were a part of what built the character of who we are today. There was not a person in the room that I would hesitate to walk up to and tell them how much I loved them 35 years ago and that nothing has changed as of today. Maybe except for the fact that 35 years ago we wouldn't admit that we loved each other. Back then it was the love-hate game. There were so many other people that did not attend last week that I would love to see.

Friendship is a precious gift from God and we take it lightly some times.

As I said, we change friends as we get older. So on to my newer friends i.e. ,the ones that I have made friends with in the last 35 years. Every lady in my Sunday School class in not just a member of my class but a special friend to boot. One of the ladies in our class lost a step father-in-law last week. Another friend and I were planning on doing something for this family when her mother was killed in an auto accident. As we took food to the second friends house, two of the others with me put their father in a nursing home the next day and the other had lost a husband in the last few months.

All of that said, simply to say this. Friendship is a precious gift from God and we take it lightly some times. Don't put off til tomorrow what we can do for our friends today. Tell them how special they are and what they mean to you. Tell them when you miss them and when they do something to warm your heart, let them know. Life on this earth is short by our standards and we might miss a great opportunity to let our loved ones know how special they are to us.

I know, I know, I am getting sappy, but, friend and family, tonight is the night I want to say "thank you for being my friend. You have helped shape me into the person I am today. Some of you more than others when you bring me yummies to eat. You shape me real good. (Cheezzzzie) I thank God this Memorial Day evening for the people that have got to war for our freedom, my own dad included, and for the people that have touched my life in one way or another.
Friends forever !!!!