I had thought about a topic for my next muse and just as I sat down I read m daughter-in-laws last post to her blog. She just confirmed that I needed to write about choices.
I am a 50 something wife, mother, work 5 1/2 day a week, church on Sunday gal. All 7 days of my week are filled.....every week. That puts me in a routine. There is safety in routines. News flash, though....that routine can turn into boredom. I am such a boring person, even I don't like me sometimes... Why should anybody else.
Last month, I did something out of the ordinary. I went to the class reunion from the school I should have graduated from. (Long story for another day). I have not kept up with these people very much because I felt that I didn't fit in since I left. I wrote a post on that so I shan't dwell on that aspect.
Since then, I have picked up a friendship with a few of these folks that I would never had thought of doing. It is like I was 15 again and we never skipped a day.
Had I stayed in the rut and chose not to go to the reunion dinner, I would have missed such a wonderful opportunity. I would have missed the chance of a lifetime to rekindle old friendships.
When I go shopping, Doug will tag along and go from bench to bench and I always feel hurried. Last night I told he to sit at Barnes and Noble (I knew he was tired) and I would just shop the mall. I wasn't hurried and had FUN just browsing for a change. I forgot what that was like. I usually am always on a quest when I go shopping and it was so much fun just to look!
I always spend tons of time on the computer but unless it is my kiddos I have never grabbed the chance to chat with friends on facebook. I have learned that I would much rather chat with friends than surf the facebook notes. I am reconnecting with people that I have forgotten to maintain friendships with and I really do care about their lives. I just have never shown it. I am such a bad friend. I hope all these people don't think I have been a snob, I just was in a rut and chose not to get involved. Sorry friends!

One of my secret wants in life has always been to get a tattoo. Funny, I have 3 sons and none of them want a tattoo. I have one daughter-in-law that wants a tat -too. (groan) Maybe we will go together sometime and get one. Anyone have a suggestion on what I might get or where I should put it? Let me know. What do you think about the hearts. I don't want to show off a tattoo , just have one.

Another dream I have had for years, doesn't make sense but I have been thinking about it again. I want to go away for a weekend. Just me and maybe two or three good magazines and a very good book. I want to get up when I want to, read what I want to, walk when I want to, sleep when I want to and just take time to pamper me. Take me a two litre of Diet Dr. Pepper, maybe some grapes and cheese, some coffee, creamer and splenda. Don't know that I will ever get the guts up to do that one, but it is still in the back of my mind. Doug has been to De Gray and said it was pretty. That might be a great fall weekend. Yes, I do believe I could sit on that porch for 48 hours all by myself. Sigh!!
The one thing that I CHOOSE is to make a conscious effort to be happy every day. No one else wants to hear my woes and the more I share them the lower I get. I choose to be happy, instead. This past year has been stressful and from time to time I want to escape that everyday life. Another reason the get a way sound awesome. It sounds better every day...
Still pondering,


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