"RACINE - Is President Barack Obama visiting Racine?

The White House has announced that Obama will be in southeastern Wisconsin Wednesday.

They have not yet announced the location of his visit, but NBC Chicago announced Friday that he is coming to Racine.

Racine officials also said they have heard rumors about the visit, but could not confirm it.

NBC's site said, 'President Barack Obama plans to travel to Racine, Wisconsin next week to discuss the economy....The White House just released a note for planning purposes.'

Matt Lehrich, the White House's Midwest communication director, could not confirm their report. He said the location of the president's visit would be formally announced in the next couple days.

Obama came to Racine in February 2008 as a part of his presidential campaign and spoke at Memorial Hall, 72 7th St."

Douglas, our oldest son, called me yesterday and had me to look up this article in the Racine Journal Times. He had been hinting to keep checking the paper for the last few days. I have to admit, he didn't say a word about it, BUT, he had told me that he had a lot of extra pressure at work last week. I would never have dreamed that this was what his extra pressure was.

Douglas has dealt with President Obama when he was presidential candidate Obama in when Douglas worked at a facility in Davenport, Iowa. Secret Service it tight for candidates but even tighter for a sitting president.

If any of you know my son, well, you know he walks to the beat of the different drummer, as they say. If he thinks it...he says it. If he says he is gonna do it....well, he does. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Douglas is ANTI Obama. He has learned in his profession not to judge politics. He has to deal with all kinds. What he tends to do is get upset very easily with....how shall I put this mildly...."stupid people". Whether it is his own staff or the contact people for events. He is learning to keep his mouth shut, but , bless his heart, it just opens sometimes.

HENCE, this mama's worry for the next few days. I can just see him getting mad about something and spouting off right in the middle of the presidents discussion period and the secret service having Douglas on the floor and in handcuffs in a heartbeat. Don't tell me that I exaggerate. This could actually happen. If you happen to see me Wednesday, please don't tell me that CNN or Fox has reported that the Operations Director at the Racine Civic Center has been arrested during the president's visit.

This mama will be so glad when Thursday gets here.

I love you Douglas,



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