August is typically known as the dog days of summer. We have hit dog days. It is so hot even the dogs won't do anything. It is all in an effort to stay cool. The computer shows it is 96 outside. The thermostat shows it is 79 in here. It really isn't that hot because we have fans going everywhere. The thing about it is still spring according to the calender. We have heat advisories out and everybody you meet say"think it is hot enough for you?".

Yes, it is hot enough. It is way too hot. It won't be long til some weather reporter will say "let's see if the egg will fry on the sidewalk". Who cares !! We are not going to eat the egg anyway.

What we will do is fuss about how hot it is. Read in the paper about someone dying from heat stroke while out running in 105 degree weather. Hear of an elderly person dying in a hot house because they are scared to open the windows and didn't have an air conditioner. People in ER's and 911 centers will be overly aware of how heavy the oppressive heat is affecting our community. We fuss about how hot the heat is and go on about our business.

I don't really understand why it gets so hot. I don't know why it gets so cold. I don't know why we have ice storms or tornadoes. But...we do. God chooses to place these extreme weather patterns in our lives. Maybe it is because we need to fuss.( Yeah, right.) Maybe it is because God wants to remind us who is in control.

People MUST use common sense when it comes to extreme weather. Take care of you selves and the pets . Stay as cool as possible and , well.....make the best of those lazy, hazy days of SPRING.
Until later,
chill dude,


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