I usually don't drive but a couple of miles a day in my car, just back and forth to work twice a day. I live less than a mile from work, so that means I don't have much radio time each day. Wednesdays, I drive to church to eat with friends and fellowship with others, so I do get a little more radio time. Tonight as I was coming home, I was listening to "the true oldies channel" and the song "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" came on. Now to be fair, there are a lot of songs from the 60's and 70's that must have been written under the influence and I always kind of thought this one was, too. As I was driving home with the windows down, (my old car doesn't have a/c) I decided to turn up the volume and jam with the song. As I listened to the words, it dawned on me just what The Hollies were singing about. Me cuppa to them. They had a deep and profound message in the song and all this time I thought they were wasted.

It was me that didn't get with the program. If someone we love has a burden, we carry that burden with them and it "isn't" a heavy load to carry.

Not long ago we discussed in Sunday School that one person carrying a burden is heavy, but if you share the burden with someone that cares for you and loves you, they too will tote the burden . As you share it, the burden lightens.

Aside from that bit of enlightenment, I have been listening to the oldies a lot lately. You can get downright sappy and sentimental over oldies. But...why is it that there are good ole summertime songs and no wintertime songs. When you think of a song, it always brings back summertime memories. Now that isn't a bad thing because we all had free summers and more time to play and stuff. Maybe more time to be outdoors with radios and fun times. I really don't know, I just remember fun times. The other thing I associate with some of the old music is skating to some of it. "I'm a girl watcher" was a great skate song. The beat was just perfect to skate to. Skating is another story for another day.

Now there are some songs that just reek summer. How about "School's out for summer" . Well, yeah! "In the summer of 65", how about cruisin' songs. Doesn't the thought of summer songs make you want to go outside, dig a little bit of heat, a soft breeze on your face and good summer songs.

Oh, the thought of it all takes me back to the days of my youth. Being outside riding bikes with friends and yard hopping. We were always welcome at every bodies yard. We would ride for a couple of hours, get kool-ade at this house, ride a little more, chill for a while somewhere else. The days went by so fast.

One summer in particular, I remember some of the local boys decided they wanted to start a band. I think I heard them sing..."doot, doot, doot, looking out my backdoor" a million times that summer. But the truth remains, every time I hear it, it still have great thoughts of that summer.

Take a minute, reflect on some of your own good ole summertime songs. Close the eyes and turn back the clock of time. Find your youth for a few minutes. It might just lighten your step a tad.

If you ever want to listen to some good oldies, just go to
http://www.thetrueoldieschannel.com/ and connect with some good oldies. Scott Shannon also adds a lot of oldie trivia that in very enjoyable.

Happy listening,


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