Wasn't that a motto from years gone by for one of the servicefriends_forever.<span class=jpg (550×413)"> organizations. Army, National Guard or something? It isn't a bad motto. Who are we anyway. Why do we have to be less than our best when we are around other people. Why do we treat others less admirably than we want to be treated ourselves?
But if the shoe were on the other foot, we would be so appalled if we were treated awful. I heard so many stories of people being treated wrong for no reason. Who are we to judge and sentence people just for our own good. I really don't think God would look down on that kind of behavior with favor.
I have had people hurt me for their own gain. It hurts. I have heard friends tell me of similar stories. I hurt for them. I also have friends that retaliate. I don't know if that is the best effort but it works for them.
I heard a friend say that sometimes "karma bites". He was kind of joking but he was enjoying seeing the results for someone that deserved what they got. Now he really didn't wish it on the other person, but I think he got pleasure in that the person that had gotten their "just reward" shall we say.
So my thought really is...if we be all that we can be....everyone of us, what a better place this would be. There are times that I simply don't feel like being the best that I can be. There are times I have my own "pity party" and want to wallow in it. This morning I had a burst of temper or exasperation or something that I blew my stack. As soon as I took out my frustrations, I felt like an idiot that I blew it for no real reason. I immediately felt bad for taking it our on someone else. Someone that I care about. Why do we become the worst beast around those we care about. YES, I did apologize. That was after the fact. I never should have blown up like that.
Funny thing about this blog post. I started it yesterday and never got around to finishing it. Now I am eating crow. How sad. I had this thought in my own mind and still blew it. Man, do I feel like a heel.
I have learned a lot of things on the computer but one thing I Friends (213).<span class= haven't learned is how to download videos from you tube and post. There is a "Toy Story" song that goes something like "You got a friend in me". I really wish that I could download it to the blog . IT is so perfect for what is really on my mind. If I am the friend I should be, you will have a friend in me.
Really, what good does it do to lash out to someone else because we aren't happy or things aren't going our way. I used to hear someone say quite often, "don't judge another man this you walked a mile in his shoes, you never know what type of burden they are carrying." How true is that.I truly believe that if we make a conscious effort to put on a happy persona we can share happiness instead of bitterness.
We cannot change the whole world. Now that would be looking through rosy glasses. We can make an effort to change ourselves....one day at a time. Occasionally we will digress but forward momentum will sustain us to be better people.
until next time I am working on my temper,
sorry friend,
still working on it,


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