My first thought of the day is.. some how my blog has been changed where I cannot choose the fonts I want nor print my words in color. If you know me at all, you know black and white are not my is all about the color. You should see my house. I only have one large closet painted white. Everything else is bright. EERRGGHH blogspot!!!!!
My second thought... is when did my children become the parent and I become the child. Every project that I come up with, some child decides that they need to give me advise. I am a responsible adult. I haven't gotten this far in raising them without a few pitfalls but I did okay.
My third thought...I have teetered with the idea of riding bikes with a group all summer. I am a chicken because I haven't been on a bike since I was 17 but thought "it would do me good", "I can't do this. I am too old." , " it will lower my blood sugar", " I will wipe out first time and ruin a bike and me". You get the idea. I have wish-washed back and forth all summer. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge....Sooooooooooooooo, now comes the next fun part. I have to find a bike. Listening to two different people, I have gotten the idea. (maybe) I have to make sure the bike isn't too tall for me. I have to have it "fitted". It cannot have shocks,has to have a small tire(road bike) , a gel seat, (my tush is suppose to thank me) and an aluminum frame. And going back to my second thought, you guessed it. My first concern is that it is a pretty color. After I get outfitted, I will let you know how bad it adventure is on my body. Well, I could tell you know but I will save it for another post. Some of the group I will be riding with have only been riding a month or two , some are seasoned professionals. One of the girls that is a newbie rode 16.5 miles this week. Don't think I can make anywhere near that type of time or endurance, This gal is way too old. There again, I will let you know.
my fourth thought....Next weekend is Labor Day weekend and I simply cannot wait. Memorial Day weekend our class of '75 from Lake City got together for a reunion. It was awesome. We agreed that we needed to get together more often. Next weekend we are hosting a cookout for the gang. I personally wish there were more folks attending but I will take what we can get. I know this is a last long weekend of summer and a lot of people have plans, but for the ones of us that don't, it is burgers, dogs and Boston butt. Can't wait. These were the friends of my youth and we grow apart but that kindred spirit of youth still prevails. I am so excited.
Thought number five...I have been talking with one of my grandsons today and realize how much of their life we are missing. These are the days that they change every day and I know I am missing so much. If you aren't a Nana, you would not appreciate the fact that I listened to my 17 month old grandson talk for 30 minutes this afternoon. He says Nana and Pop Pop and I promise that he doesn't remember us from the last time we say him but I thank his parents that that talk about us even though we aren't there.
It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood today and life is good. I started this blog early in the morning and have done a multitude of different activities during the day. I am sated with pleasing activities and ready to face tomorrow.
May your days be happy ones and your thoughts be randomly pleasing,


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