Oh, my. Where has the time gone. It has been seven months since I blogged. A world of events has passed my way in that length of time. I have stressed through work , family and friends yet here I am sitting at the same computer doing the same thing 7 months later. I wish I had the same mindset to address the same topics with the same mindset but "alas" that has gone out the window.
There have been many things that have changed who I am in the past half year. I have met new friends, left old friends behind and even rearranged my heart somewhat. We don't stay the same forever. How boring we would be if we did.
I had wonderful times in Jr. High school but if I kept that mentality where would I be. I had some fun times in high school but there again , I had not begun to go through the school of hard knocks.
I had things that looking back I sure wish I had done differently. The shy unspoken(ha) me should have done things different years ago. I did things selfishly that I believe were not right for me. God watched over and protected me anyway. Thank you God.
There was a quote the other day that says something to the effect that if you try and fail, you learned something. If you don't try at all, you are still standing in the same spot. I want to MOVE, MOVE, MOVE. That has never been my goal. I was ready to sit back and take what punches life had to give me.
there is a lot of "I" in this post but since I haven't written anything in a while , yes, this is about catching up on "ME". There have been blessings in the way of reconnecting with old friends, (thanks, Facebook), there are people that have passed on that influenced my life, there have been new people come into my life that have all made a difference and reshaping of my heart.
How about that long and winding road.....Where is it going to lead? Man, I don't know but you can't just sit on the side of the road.
Why can't we be friends....Man, I don't know but I have been blessed with many others.
Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind.... Man, now that I do know and in this time there have been good and bad ones. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
Dizzy, my head is spinning. Man, it goes around in a different circle cycle every day.
Me and you against the world! Man, yeah, but it seems there is a different you every day. (my quest for spreading friendship)
My favorite "Power" song right now..........

"I am woman!!! Hear me ROAR!

yep, that is my new theme song.
I am fifty three years old and aside from the fact there are some things I just won't write......let me just say that I can look in the mirror and like this "me" better than I have in many decades. I have found myself for the time being until someone else comes along and jolts me with insecurities.
God is my strength and my comforter and my family and friends can only hurt me as bad as I let them. (OK, sometimes "so-called friends)
If you choose to be my friend, welcome to my little world. If you think I am wacko or goofy, that is your choice. I don't need to pretend to be the person you think I need to be......I need to be .....ME!
I like me, I accept me and I want to be the best me I can be.
Maybe I should have titles this post "me" Naw!
Until I am inspired to share again........


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