I was very faithful for a few months to blog on this site. I gave it up on New Years Eve. There comes a time for a break. Now, as I reflect over the last couple of weeks of my life, it is time to write again. I don't know how often or even if I do blog again for another six months, but, today I write.

Friends...as we grow older, our perspective of friendship changes. We grow away from our childhood friends, become friends with our children's friends parents, our church or business friends or..well, you get the idea.

What happens to our childhood friends? I met with some last Friday evening for about 3 hours and it was like we had seen each other yesterday, except we all have children, grandchildren and some of us even have gray hair now. Yep, that is me, gray hair and all.

One of my friends ask how I enjoyed the evening. Responded that it was really like I was sixteen again. Why do we have to leave these great people behind when we take on new direction in life. They were a part of what built the character of who we are today. There was not a person in the room that I would hesitate to walk up to and tell them how much I loved them 35 years ago and that nothing has changed as of today. Maybe except for the fact that 35 years ago we wouldn't admit that we loved each other. Back then it was the love-hate game. There were so many other people that did not attend last week that I would love to see.

Friendship is a precious gift from God and we take it lightly some times.

As I said, we change friends as we get older. So on to my newer friends i.e. ,the ones that I have made friends with in the last 35 years. Every lady in my Sunday School class in not just a member of my class but a special friend to boot. One of the ladies in our class lost a step father-in-law last week. Another friend and I were planning on doing something for this family when her mother was killed in an auto accident. As we took food to the second friends house, two of the others with me put their father in a nursing home the next day and the other had lost a husband in the last few months.

All of that said, simply to say this. Friendship is a precious gift from God and we take it lightly some times. Don't put off til tomorrow what we can do for our friends today. Tell them how special they are and what they mean to you. Tell them when you miss them and when they do something to warm your heart, let them know. Life on this earth is short by our standards and we might miss a great opportunity to let our loved ones know how special they are to us.

I know, I know, I am getting sappy, but, friend and family, tonight is the night I want to say "thank you for being my friend. You have helped shape me into the person I am today. Some of you more than others when you bring me yummies to eat. You shape me real good. (Cheezzzzie) I thank God this Memorial Day evening for the people that have got to war for our freedom, my own dad included, and for the people that have touched my life in one way or another.
Friends forever !!!!


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