For someone that works 5 and one half days a week today is a very special day. As a matter of fact this whole weekend has been. I usually teach Sunday School every Sunday and there was no Sunday School yesterday. That gave me a free Sunday. With yesterday being the holiday and me being off today, well today is sheer bliss. I got up when I wanted to....two days in a row. I ate breakfast when I wanted to, stayed up as late as I liked on Saturday and Sunday night. Ahhhhh, sheer bliss.
If I ever have another job, 5 days will be a max for me. I might even strive for a 3 or 4 day work week. Wouldn't that be wonderful for somebody who has been regimented 7 days a week for 33 years. What would I do? Well, let's see. My energy level is at it's highest first thing in the morning. I could do cleaning while no one is home. That is a start. I could shop when the stores are not covered up with angry tired people that just got off work themselves. That would be wonderful. I could Christmas shop without every register being lined up 10 people deep. Oh, the possibilities are endless.
I could win the powerball and I could retire FOREVER. The only problem with that is that I would have to buy a powerball ticket. Can't win without buying a ticket, right?
Next, I could do a little more traveling. Grand kids would be calling my name. Oh, yeah. There is one thing that I would make sure to day that I have never been capable of doing. I would fine somewhere to volunteer. I don't care what it is. It could be an animal shelter, one of the local hospitals or some crisis center. There has to be some place that would need me and I could be the right fit.
But what would be my one project if I had spare time? I would rid my house of junk, junque, and more junk!!!!!!
Every room has drawers and closets that need to have tons of stuff discarded. If I took one room at a time, it could take weeks but I would finally get rid of lots of stuff we have accumulated over the years. Getting rid of stuff might allow me to be a tad more organized, too. You know the old saying a place for everything and everything in its place, or something like that. How I would love to be able to go some place and what ever I was hunting for be right there.
I have so much stuff that has to be organized that I don't even know where to start. Yesterday, I threw away a whole garbage sack of papers and old stuff just out of one room. I am the only person that uses the room and I haven't even dug the pictures out from under the bed and worked on that. I need to scrapbook a ton of pictures so I can put the others away. With so much to do, I just fail to be motivated. One of these day, I will have the energy and desire to do it. But until that day, I have about 4 boxes of pictures and 3 or 4 photo albums that need to be filled. One of these days..... One of these days.
I have a dream. Don't tell any body but some day the flower shop will close or sell and my dream is to not work for the public but to have a wedding consultation business. Work out of my own home. Be a wedding coordinator slash director. I know that would put me to work every week end but hey, I would have other days free. I know quite a bit about the business and I enjoy making brides' special day a easy as possible. That is one of my greatest satisfactions. BUT...if that is to happen....I need an organized office. Where I want my office looks like a bomb has gone off. So much to do, I don't know where to start. Yes, I do. Another "one garbage bag at a time" project.
Aside from that, if you know of a bride that needs a wedding coordinator, I will work cheap until I try to do this full time. Feel free to be a name dropper for me!!!!
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, makes me happier than to know the bride thinks she has pulled off the perfect wedding day. In case you didn't know it, there is no such time as a perfect wedding day. I have never encountered a wedding that there wasn't at least one planned thing that flopped. I always tell the bride not to get uptight because something will happen.
I heard a story from a friend that they were at a wedding and when the bride and groom knelled to pray, the groomsmen had put "call" on one of the grooms shoes and "911" on the other shoe. That cracked up prayer time. It is gonna happen.
But that is a story line for another day. Everything that could go wrong at a wedding will. I will have to remember that for a blog. Well, my random thoughts are rambling today, so until the next time...
Dreaming of organization,


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