As a mother, mother-in-law and Nana I want things to run smoothly for all my family. I don't like to see ripples in the water. And for sure, I hate seeing the water white cap.
When that water gets to stirring around my first instinct is to jump in and see if I can help. I am sure that isn't what my kiddos want to see me do but by now they know me. If there is a situation I think I can guide them about, well, I speak my mind. Sorry, that is my mother coming out in me.
Life is a little rocky for some of the younger Davis' right now and one of my little wise daughter-in-laws just really gave me a slap on the face last night. Ouch!
Life is changing drastically for them and I ask her what was in the plans for the near future. Her answer.."I don't know. We will just have to wait and see what God has in store for us". Now that is a double ouch.
You see, sometimes I really want to help God take care of things. I want to help micromanage what happens in our family. The need to feel in control is strong.
The choice to sit back and wait for God's direction is hard. The reminder from someone half my age to do so is even more painful. However, it does make my trust in their decisions so much better.
So today I am learning a lesson from the younger generation that I have preached but have not practiced.
Still trying,


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