Bible verse of the day: Matthew 4:9-11

(New American Standard Bible)
8Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;
9and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."
10Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'"
11Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

This week's celebrations:Aug. 26th Jason woods celebrated a birthday. He shares a birthday with Mother Teresa. Lisa Cloinger celebrated a birthday on the 28th. Lisa special day is also the day two youngsters started a delivery service in Seattle Washington later developing into UPS. Even UPS started small. Of course that was in 1907. Sam Caery celebrated a birthday today. Sam shares his special day with Oliver Wendell Holmes and Ingrid Bergman. Both legends in their field during their time. (Just like Sam!)

Random thoughts: Ingrid Bergman had a couple of quotes worth repeating. On the subject of a kiss she said, "a kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when word become superfluous."

The other quote she had which I happen to like much better..."Be yourself. The world worships an original."

Who do we worship. A rock star, an author, politician, even an evangelist. Are any of these on our "Worship" list? Hope not. Who should we worship? Why should we worship? When should we worship? What should we worship? Where should we worship? Well, I think those answers are pretty simple myself. We should worship "our Father, who art in heaven." Why should we worship? In obedience to His will. We should worship every day, all day long...from morning til night. What should we worship? That one is kidda tough. We should worship for being alive. For our health or our sickness. We should worship for our family or the loss of our family and friends. We should worship for what we see as bad as well as what we see as good. That one is tough to swallow sometimes. We should worship anywhere we are and what ever the circumstances. Good, bad or indifferent.

The hardest part of the equation is this....What is "Worship?"

Is worship just singing praise or just saying a prayer or just saying we "love" Jesus while we are in public?
I ask for a definition and here are a few responses I got...
Ellen Deaton
What we were made to do...glorify and worship God.
Linda Gage
offering praises and sacrifices to the Lord God !

Blake Davis
Worship is being totally committed to Christ and being submissive to His will.

Linda Dixon Householder
being totally obedient to God so that we can glorify Him through our hearts and our actions.

Of course all those answers are correct. I like Linda G's answer a lot. Just what is a sacrifice for us? Do we go above and beyond what our normal day entails just to do something extra special for God. Is it just the pocketbook or is it words, deeds and actions.

What do we do to glorify God? Does God look down and smile on our deeds or is He frowning on what we have or haven't done?

The old saying that actions speak louder than words are very true when it comes to God. He wants us to be"doers of the word". God can see every action we do. Every day. All day. We cannot tell God how good we are. He knows more so than us just how good we are.

Do we have what it takes to worship God...You bet.

Do we worship Him every day; all day; His way...Maybe not so much.

Let's just keep at it, shall we,

Til next time,



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