Bible verse of the day: Joshua 24:15 (New American Standard Bible)
"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Today's celebrations:Happy birthday to Don Light and my first daughter-in-law Caroline Davis. hope you have a great day!

Random thoughts: Does the weather alter our moods? Do sunny skies make most people happy and rainy days make them grumpy? Do pretty, colorful sunsets give us warm fuzzy feelings and lightning make us tense? That is the way most people like it, but there are some of us oddballs that like stormy nights, overcast days and well just sitting in the window watching it rain. I should know. I am one of them. A cold November day with a cup of hot tea, sitting in the bay window watching it drizzle outside while smelling a pot of chili on the stove is divine in my book.
Some people would say "yuck" but not me. That is my perfect Saturday afternoon. Now mind you, it never happens. That time of year there is so much to do that there is no lazy Saturday afternoon. That is my favorite time, though.
Sunshine is great if it is 20 degrees outside. If the temps are 80 plus, no thanks. The best time for sunshine in my book is after a very pristine snow has blanketed the earth and the world is quiet and time stands still.
Now I know I am different but what if we all liked the same thing. The same weather, the same clothes, the same foods, the same thing on tv or in the movie theaters. Life would be BORING!!!
God gave is a mind so we might have options. We can decide what weather we like. What food we like and what type of book we like to read. We choose what clothes we wear and what style we wear our hair.
We even choose how close we follow Him. Now I know He desires us to be Perfect in our Christian choices but even the Bible states that God knows we are not perfect. "No, not one."Bro Terry Gage had a sermon yesterday that says we have to be totally dedicated. We all should be in one accord on that fact. But even being totally dedicated means different things to different people.
That is okay, too. Because God gave us each different gifts and we choose to serve according to the gifts we have. My dedication may be to teaching and your dedication my be to missions while our friend may have a dedication to tending the sick. Wow, isn't it great that we have options. We can think for ourselves. We are not all robots roaming around this earth doing exactly the same thing. If we all lived in exactly the same house we might get confused and go to the wrong one. What if we all drove the same car. Now Wal-Mart parking lot would be a riot. We all had the same jobs making the same money, spending our money the same way. UNREALISTIC!
Thank you, God, for giving me a mind and the ability to use it. To choose and to think for myself. Thank you God for making me unique.

How about you. Aren't you glad we don't all like brussel sprouts?

Until later,

I am glad I can choose...



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