Bible Verse of the day:James 5:13-16 (New American Standard Bible)
13Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.
14Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;
15and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.
16Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

Today's Celebrations:Happy birthday, Cindie Collier Modelevsky, you share a birthday with Dustin Hoffman.

Random thoughts: Summer is half over and school is about to start. I see parents trying to get the supply sheets to load up on supplies to send to school the first day. When our kids were young no one got a supply list until the first day. It was expected that all those supplies would be brought to school the second day. Now, bear with me here. If you have shopped in the last month, you know how much "back to school" business the stores have. Can you imagine if all this shopping by all these parents was done on ONE evening. We stood in lines for hours just to check out. And on top of everything else, everyone was grumpy. Can you imagine why?

We have come a long way in school. Not only in how the teachers handle supplies but how much more advanced education is. I think there are many fourth graders that can do math way beyond my comprehension. It is scary how much they learn so early now.

Not only do they get a school education early. There are a lot of children that get a street education early, too. Some by merely being a victim of abuse. Some being taught by older siblings things they think is cool. We as Christians have to educate children on what is right and wrong. Yes, I know, they have taken prayer and everything else important out of school. We simply have to take every opportunity we can to let them know the behavior they exhibit is unacceptable. Whether it is our own family or the ones we see in public. Hard to do, but with God's help, we can find the right words to be good examples of what these children need to learn. That takes prayer. As we face our day, encounter people hard to love( for any reason) we should as God to walk with us and talk through us.

One day of "National Day of Prayer" is not enough for our schools nor our teachers. We need everyday with prayer for our educators. If we prayed every day for everything that needs prayer, well, we would be in a state of prayer all day long. That might not be a bad thing. Hmmm. I will start right now with my extra prayer.

"Lord, as I write this page, I lift up every person that reads it. Walk with them today and give them strength to carry out your will all day long. Open their hearts and attune their ears to hear what you want them to do. Give them direction to be your servant in everything they do today.

Love to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen."

Praying for you,



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