Bible verse of the Day:

Mark 3:31-35 (New American Standard Bible)
31Then His mother and His brothers arrived, and standing outside they sent word to Him and called Him.
32A crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him, "Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are outside looking for You."
33Answering them, He said, "Who are My mother and My brothers?"
34Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He said, "Behold My mother and My brothers!
35"For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother."

Today's Celebrations:Happy Birthdays go out to Chrissie Collier Wright, Gina Roberts and Dianna Turner and it is the start of Elvis week in Memphis. You share a birthday with Eddie Fisher and Jimmy Dean along with Herbert Hoover.

Random thoughts:As I sit here listening to the rumble of thunder and an occasional flash of lightning (yes, I know I should not be on the computer) it is relaxing. Having gone through the '73 tornado I do respect storms but I love to listen to the rain. That can calm me down after a stressful day like nothing else. I love to sit at work and watch the rain fall on a slow day, also. I wonder how many years the earth existed before God flooded it with the first rains? I guess the folks lived longer because the rain had not washed thru the beta rays or gamma rays or what ever those rays are called that allow us to sunburn and get cancer. If you read the Bible, people lived for many, many years prior to the flood. After the flood the life span of man shortened drastically. Just think how many people could be on the earth if we all lived to be 900 plus these day. Just think of how much insurance would sky rocket. Oh, my. Naw, truthfully, I figure if we lived that long our bodies would be so much healthier than they are today.

Now those guys pre flood differently knew what old age was all about. Can you just imagine what people thought when the first rain drops came falling down from heaven. These guys had laughed at Noah for building this huge structure of safety for him and his family. Bet they were laughing when Noah loaded all the animals, too. Also bet they were beating on the walls of the ark begging to be let in as the waters rose.

Do we laugh until the waters rise? Do we think things are funny until it hits home? How about just being indifferent about situations half way across the world. It doesn't involve us, anyway. We ARE our brothers keeper. Across the street , across town or half way across the world. War, famine or monsoons half way around the world should be our business just as well as the street flooding outside our front door.

There are times I cannot even keep my own head above water, much less taking on the concerns of others. That just isn't scriptural. God is frowning down on me when I feel that way. He ain't happy with this ole gal.

I always hate the feeling I have when I feel I have disappointed my Father.

Until tomorrow..Striving to do better,



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