Bible Verse of the Day:

Ephesians 2:8-10 (New American Standard Bible)
8For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
9not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Today's Celebrations: Micah Elder Putman and Leiandrea Higgins

Random Thoughts:When I think of Micah there are many things I think about. Flutes, majorette, 'lil blue mustang and girly girly just to name a few. Micah was the quietest girl I knew when she was growing up. I know she talked, but she was always so quiet that you hardly knew she was around. Micah and Blake shared some elementary classes together, they fought for first chair flute in Junior high and Micah went band and Blake went sports manager in high school. We made a lot of the same trips for football games,though.

Micah comes across as being a girly girl but I wonder if the occasion arose if she could be up to the challenge of digging in amongst the bugs or mud or a snake or gator where she lives now? She might, but just as quick as the opportunity arose she would revert back to the shopping, scrap booking and foo foo girl. (Micah, there is nothing wrong with that.)

I wish I could be that way. I know. I know. Wishing for what we don't have. Really, I grew up on a farm, lived in blue jeans, never wore heels, no make up. I was a tom boy all the way, until it came to the snakes. No thanks!!!

I envy a gal that can portray the feminine side all the time. Even some of the time. I was a rough tough tom boy and then I never got the chance to foo foo with a daughter. I was deprived I say, deprived. For as many bows as I have tied in my life, none of them have been for my little girl. I on the other hand, would not be caught dead in a bow. Talking about a duck out of water, now that would be me for sure. I don't do dress clothes and my Sunday clothes are just as casual as I can possible make them.

I would love to be graceful and dainty but a 500 pound bull moose is NOT dainty.

As I have said before. Why can we not accept who we are and not wish for something we aren't or don't have . I should be content to be a bull moose 'cause I sure wouldn't be comfortable as a dainty doe deer. See, I even talk in outdoor animals. A head doctor would have a hay day with me. He would be more confused than me when I was through. I must remember, I am His workmanship, Created for Christ Jesus. Must accept who I am and what I was put on earth to do.

Anyway, my salute to your my girly girl friend. Hope you had a wonderful day today and many more just like it.

God Bless,

Ms. Vera


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