Bible Verse of the Day:
Matthew 7:1-4 (New American Standard Bible)
1Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
2"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
4"Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye?

Today's Celebrations:Happy birthday to Craig Gammon

Random thoughts:I cannot let this date pass without having my tribute to the watermelon. If any of you really know me, you know that I love watermelon. My daddy grew watermelon, brokered watermelon and taught me a lot about the watermelon.

Just last month I was at the farmers market and the man had a pickup truck loaded with melons. The gentleman was moving some of the melons around to shift his load when I walked up. The melon he had was blistered on the bottom. (Sunburned, I call it.) I ask the man to let me see where the melon was slipped.( the little pigtail on it) When he turned the melon to me, the pigtail was just a little dried up, kind of like the umbilical cord of a baby just before it falls off. Told him that would be a great melon. I wanted it. Paid for the melon then this 70 plus year old fella offers to take it to my car for me. "Naw, no need. I'll just carry it." As I walked away, melon balanced on my shoulder, I heard him say"She had done this before."

Yes, I have. Many times. I never did and still do not like farming but farming did put food on the table as I grew up.

Back to why today is watermelon day. I had a dear uncle that was both born and died on this date. I don't remember him growing melons but for years he bought melons for the produce companies. Was great at what he did. I always remember his birthday and I always think of melons. When I was a teen, he was home on his birthday. Right now I do not remember why, but it was unusual, since this was a busy season for him. I am sure someone was sick or had died, but anyway, I went to the local bakery and had them make me a cake with a truck hauling a huge watermelon on the back of it.

Watermelons are interesting. They are first cousins to the cucumber. Most of both have seed down a row in the center. That is really where the similarities end. Cucumbers are not sweet, bitter or tangy. Just have a unique taste all there own, I guess. Now the watermelon, even though it is a first cousin, is sweet, and if it is ripe enought will just about deslove in your mouth. Can't really say melt in your mouth. If the melon has a lot of seeds in it, there is a lot of work to get the sweet flesh and seperate the seeds. If you cut is just right, you can cut the heart out and have a lot of pieces that are seedless. If you are serving younger people, you might want to give them the heart. I think that is the best part of the melon, myself. Most folks cannot tell much difference.

Another thing about the watermelon. It is mostly water. Duh!! Why else would it be called a WATERmelon. We never really know how good the melon will be until we slice it open. Most of the time, the watermelon that looks prettiest from the outside is the worst tasting once you get it open.

Some of the time, the person that looks the prettiest from the outside leaves the worst taste in our mouths when we get close. Notice I said "some of the time". People tend to let us down and disappoint us, just like cutting open the melon and finding it light pink or green instead of red and ripe. The melon won't get riper by just letting it sit. It has to ripen on the vine for the best flavor. Some people are green when we get close to them instead of ripe. They did not stay on the vine to ripen. Age. Mature. Be socially ept.

We won't know until we get close enough to find out. Sometimes that hurts. Sometimes it is the most Delicious friendship to come along. We never know til we get close enough to try. Someone that looks stuffy my really have something in common or be the life of a party. We have to step out on faith to meet new people and let God handle the rest.

Until later,

Wish I had a watermelon, Wish I had a watermelon,




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