Bible Verse of the Day:John 8:7 CEV

They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, "If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!"

Today's celebrations:Martha Stewart has a birthday today.

Random Thoughts:Martha Stewart comes across as the wonder woman of all things domestic. How domestic is she? She has had numerous shows on tv and always had people in the background prepping everything for her. Makes her look like she knows everything. I wonder how many "tag" sales she has ever been to. (She used to talk about that a lot.) Common folk don't go to "tag" sales, we go to yard sales or garage sales. We find other peoples' junk. She finds linens, china and fine silver pieces. She carves her pumpkins and gathers colored eggs from her rare chickens, decorates the perfect wedding cake.

How can any of us mere women compare. Alas, we will never be able to stand beside "Super Martha". If she is so great, she could come sweep the cobwebs out of my corners and dust bunnies out from under my beds. She portrays herself as Jesus amongst us sinners.

Now, don't get me wrong. Even if it sounds like I am dissing Martha, I am not. Personally, I have learned a few tricks from her shows. First and foremost she had taught me how to string lights on a Christmas tree. Thanks to her, might lights shine pretty good. She even gave me inspiration for seasonal decorating. Not that I do that any more, but when I was younger I did.

So I will wrap up my thought for the day. Do we act like we are the "Perfect Christian" and think we have the ability correct others about what they do wrong? We don't like it when they correct us about what they assume is wrong. They might not know the full story. Before we go correcting our brothers and sisters in Christ, stop to realize, we just might know the whole story about what we want to criticize them about.

The old saying about measure twice, cut once applies to our mouth, also. Think that there may just be two sides to that window we are looking through. If we see something wrong when we look, it might just be our reflection instead of seeing what is on the other side.

I know it sounds like I am a yo yo today, but I am not. I was using Martha Stewart as a reference of how we percieve people when we don't really know what we are talking about.

Until tomorrow,

I'll be looking with my mouth shut!



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