Bible verse of the day:

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 (New American Standard Bible)
18Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.
19Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
20For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

Today's celebrations: Happy Birthday to Debbie Fletcher, Marshall Border and Dana Dunkerson. You share your birthday celebration with Mata Hari and Garrison Keillor.

Random Thoughts: Remember the old song that say, "take good care of yourself, you belong to me."? Don't know who the singer was or if it was just an ad jingle but the verses in 1 Corinthians tells us to take good care of our self because we do belong to HIM. We have been bought with price so glorify God with our bodies.

Mentally, physically, spiritually?None of the above. All of the above. I think it is all of the above. We need to be sharp mentally. Readings, studying and trying to further our education often helps keep us sharp. There have been reports that working a crossword puzzle every day helps prolong the keen mental balance of the mind for an extended period of years.

Physically, ( I know I am not one to preach this one) if we abuse our body in any way we are not glorifying it for God. My habitual sin is food. Been overweight all my life, I guess. I will stress that I am trying to curb my weight and do some exercise every day. It is a start.

Spiritually, oh, yeah. We need to hone our spiritual knowledge on a daily basis. We need to refresh our Bible in our minds often. Even if we have read the Bible through, do it again and again. There will always be something that we did not grasp the last time we read that passage. At this time, our Sunday School class is doing a study on Mary Magdalene. There are many assumptions and fallacies about her role in the Bible. She had demons, not a prostitute. She came from the city of Magdala which is known for prostitution, but no where in the Bible does it say she was a prostitute. She also was older than Jesus. Many of the Gnostic writings portray Jesus and Mary M. as having an intimate relationship. One would assume Mary M. is older than Jesus mother, Mary, since in identification, Mary M. most often takes top listing of the group of people. Seniority thing, you know. They were big on that back then.

Boy, I am on my soap box. Really random today, since the idea is to take care of the body. Guess the fact that I have just been studying Mary Magdalene made my ramble in that direction. Oops.

Here is the deal. Take 15 minutes a day. Can be broken into three segments. Spend 5 minutes on yourself. Be greedy. Do something just to please yourself.

Next, spend 5 minutes, working a puzzle or reading something educational. Lastly, spend at least 5 minutes reading the Bible or a devotional.

Don't over do. You might be overwhelmed. Once you get comfortable with doing each for 5 minutes, expand. Work up to finishing a puzzle and reading a couple of Chapters in the Bible each day. It will make the soul feel better. When our mental state is better, so is our physical one. I don't do yoga but everyone says it is good. Meditate, relax and enjoy your own company. If you don't like yourself, why should anyone else.

Until later,

I am gonna pamper myself!



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