Bible Verse of the day:

Psalm 119:11 (King James Version)
11Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

This week in Celebration:Celebrations I have missed this week. This is the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. How funny is it that "peace signs and tye die colors are all the craze this year. Ha! Also Alex Haley and Cecil B. DeMille along with Elias Howe had birthdays this week. On the 14th, my sons will be interested in knowing Steve Martin and Gary Larson both share birthdays. Today is Julia Child birthday along with Terry Barnhill and Cassie McQuay. Gang you share a birthday with one great cook!! I should know, saw the movie today . As I sat in the theater waiting for the movie to start, checked my facebook. There was a note that today was her birthday. How ironic is that!

Random Thoughts:This has been a very hectic week. On Monday it was clean house, Tuesday, Sunday school party and the mourning of the passing of one of my friends' Mother in Law, Wednesday was church and a migraine, Thursday was nail day so I was late getting home, Friday was fish night with the Thompson's, visitation for Mrs. Gamblin and, ahhhhhhhhhhh, it is now Saturday. Saturday, work, a trip to Paragould for work, home, work in Sunday school lesson, Julie and Julia, trip to Paragould , dinner at Whiskey Creek,and now it is time for me to catch up on the blog.

Why do we make ourselves crazy with the things in life we don't have to do. Now, don't get me wrong. Many of those things are necessary but I could take some time to get my priorities straight.

Which is why I have played hooky this week. I have relaxed my priorities on blogging. Today the movie was about a year of blogging Julia Child recipes. Made me feel guilty that I had skipped a few days.

Of course, it really would stress me out if I had to cook 500 plus hard recipes in one year. What a goal. Now Jennifer H. could probably bake at least 300 cakes in a year. Love the pictures she post about her cakes. Glad she enjoys it. Seems like she does it with a passion. How wonderful to have such a good passion. YUM.

What happens when we play hooky. Doug and I try to walk at least 5 nights a week. If we skip 3 or 4 days in a row, we are so out of shape we are huffing before we get finished. IF and that is a big IF I were to be exercising at home (on the ball Doug has blown up for me) every day for a month then quit, only to come back three weeks later, I could not pick up where I left off.

If I set my Bible on the shelf for a few weeks or months I would be rusty when I came back to it. Now bare in mind, once we get out of the habit of doing something, it is SOOOOO hard to get back into the routine. After skipping the walk for a few days, it is like "Do we have to?"

After putting the Bible on the shelf we distance ourselves from God. Sure, we can say we are still walking but are we really. We are not being fed daily. We are malnourished.

If we are malnourished, we aren't strong enough to be the whole Christian God wants us to be. Testifying for Him on a daily basis. Ouch! That kinda hurts. We make sure we get our sugar or caffeine rush. Why are we not as anxious to get our Bible rush?

Can we still remember the verses we learned as youngsters? I will admit that I can finish verses but can never quote the book , chapter and verse. We cannot pull these verses out to make the case for Christ if we cannot find where they are in the Bible. Knowing the verses helps keep us keen even when we are away from the Book but as we read the Bible we should be able to pick up new verses to add to our memory. One such passage that has stuck with me because I have come up three times in two different studies in the last 2 weeks that has given me some answers is 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (New American Standard Bible)
3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
4who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
5For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.

This has been helpful in understanding suffering. Another suffering passage I came upon this week was 2 Thessalonians 1:5 (New American Standard Bible)
5This is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering. I honestly don't know why I have been brought to task about suffering but God has shown me these two scriptures to etch in my memory bank.

Well, in keeping up the thought of being busy, I must finish my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. Don't want the teacher to flunk Mad Mary tomorrow. It is a good study if anyone is interested in doing some type of new Bible study.

Back to studying,



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