Bible Verse of the day:1 Corinthians 15:41 (New American Standard Bible)
41There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.

Today's celebrations: Vernon Petty shares a birthday with P.L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins.

Random thoughts:Tomorrow starts a time when meteor showers should be prevalent in the U.S. Yep. You guessed it. Stars.

The verse states that star differs from star. Each star in heaven is just as different as each person on earth. Hmmmm. Maybe that is what God is talking about to Abram in Genesis 15:5 (New American Standard Bible)
And He took him outside and said, "Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them " And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be."

We are plentiful.We are descendants of Abraham. We are God's creation. We are God's stars on earth. But what about those up in the galaxies? I find it amazing how people can find stars that have never been named before and people get to pick them out and name them. What is with that? How do you just get to name a star. Aside from that. Telescopes are getting stronger and man is getting to look further out into space and see more stars and even more galaxies. Isn't it amazing how widespread God's touch is? As humans, think how small we are to the overall size of the universe.

Some people make predictions on the stars. Remember the song Aquarius for the sixties? "When the moon is in it's second phase, and Jupiter aligns with Mars." or something like that. That is how seers make predictions. I can predict just as much as them.....We are born, we live, we die and we spend eternity depending on how we choose while we live. Period. End of story. Pretty simple if you ask me. If we remember, there were even seers back when Jesus was born. Herod ask about the stars, call for the Magi on the seer's story. Some things just never change. Some things always stay the same. False prophets have been around since the serpent told Eve she would be equal to God if she ate the fruit. The stars have hung in the heavens since God designed them and placed them there. False prophets will be around til the end of time when they will be destroyed along with all other unbelievers. The stars will all be in the heavens til the end of time.
We are God's stars on Earth. We shine for our Lord. I think we shine better than any Hollywood star. We shine for "The Cause".
Keep on a shinin',


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