Bible verse of the day:

Matthew 5:13 (New American Standard Bible)
13"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

Today's celebrations:Bryan Elder, Beth Ann Caery, and Pat Bassett share a birthday with Gene Kelly. He was the guy with the umbrella prop in the "Singing in the Rain" song. One of my all time old time favorites!

Random thoughts:Salt. Doug watched a show on salt last week. I wish I could see it again.(I know they will play it again soon on the History Channel) However, I did catch a few facts about salt that I found interesting. Over 90 % of our water is salt water, but, if we drank a gallon of salt water there would be enough salt in it to kill us. How sad. One of our most natural resources is so bad for us. The refining process cause an astronomical amount of money to be able to use the most abundant of liquid. Not to mention that the salt they take out is also refined to see to us to place on our food. Take it out to put it in. How strange is that.

I think they said that next to water, H2O, that salt, sodium chloride, is the second most abundant compound that we have on earth. Like, how odd that the two biggest compound items are found together.

Kind of a contradiction of wants and needs, isn't it. We need fresh water to maintain our body needs. But too much will make us sick. We need salt to maintain our body needs, but too much of that will be the crux of a death for us.

Physically, we are made up of a vast amount of liquid. The Bible says we are the salt of the earth. Now, talk about a two edged sword. If we are the salt of the earth, most people probably need us in small doses. Too much of the good thing might choke a person out and smother them. OUCH! We are good. We are bad. There is a fine line between the two.
The program also stated that some salt is much more rare than others. Some salt sells for over $150.00 a pound. Are we an ordinary salt or extraordinary salt. Hmmmm.

Does salt become tasteless? Jesus said if the salt becomes tasteless it is worth nothing but to be trampled under the feet of man.

Not only is salt refined from the ocean but it is also mined. Man has to go digging for salt. So we as Christians have two sources to receive salt . We can be refined by separating the bad things that need not be in our lives. Or, we can have a lode of salt in our bodies that has to be dug out and processed. Not much difference. Just that sometimes there is so much sludge in our bodies that we do have to refine before we are able to use it.

Have you ever noticed how salty tears are? We we cry, we are draining the salt from our body. A cleansing, so to speak. The refinement in this case is pulling out the hurt and pain to be able to get on with life.

Until we meet again, I am still...

Refining my salt,



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