Bible Verse of the day:Ephesians 4:32 (New American Standard Bible)
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Today's Celebrations:Happy birthday to Bryant Rushing and Michelle Reid.

Random thoughts: Have you heard the stories about people going through the line in a drive thru coffee shop and someone has bought the drink for the person behind them, when you pull thru, you can take your free drink or pay for the person behind you. There have been reports on tv about how many hours this can go on. Obviously, we live in a smaller town where there are not that many drive-thru coffee houses, but the idea is great.

Doing something nice for the other guy. Doesn't have to be big. Just something for the fellow man. I could probably think all day and not come up with anything as great as the coffee bit, but what if the guy behind you in the grocery store just had a loaf of bread and a jug of milk. Telling the cashier to just add that to your bill would blow every ones mind. The cashier who has to deal with grumpy people complaining about prices all day, (not their fault)the person behind you wondering what the catch is and why he shouldn't trust you. Even other people in line.

I have offered to let a person go ahead of me if they just have one or two items to check out and they even seem leery of someone being nice enough to let them check out ahead of you.

We do live in a society that doesn't quiet trust the goodness of the people they don't know. Rightfully so, BUT if we don't go on faith occasionally we live our whole life in fear. If we don't adventure out from time to time, we live a boring life. If at twenty we go to work 8-5 five days a week and at 60 we are still going to work 8-5 five days a week at the same job, let's hope it is a great job. Otherwise we have led a boring life. Yes, I know. I am one who doesn't venture out. I have the same job I did in the twenties and I am fussing at me more than anybody else.

If I had dream job, what would it be? I don't really know. When you think about it, no job is absolutely perfect. I have heard people say " If I just....had the next job up the ladder, the job down the street, a small pay raise... whatever! Everything would be perfect." Reality check. Nothing is perfect. Not even the perfect job.

So do your part to make life a little better. Take time to smell the coffee and then do something great for your unknown friend. Yes, friend. You just might make a friend that you find you have tons of stuff in common with. You might make somebodies day. You might be the smile someone needs to get through an awful day or week.

Kindness doesn't have to be expensive, just thoughtful.

What do you get in return. Absolutely nothing. And if you brag to others about it, well, you actually loose the concept of doing good for others. You are tooting your own horn and wanting someone else to pat you on the back. No, this is your own personal feel good thing to do.

Be nice to at least one person this week that doesn't expect it.

Be quiet about what you do.

Be sure and thank God for the opportunity to do a good deed.

Be thankful you can do it.

Be yourself and I will be me,

Until next time,



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