Bible Verse of the day:Return to your rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. Psalms 116:7

Today's Celebrations:Peter Jennings birthday.

Random Thoughts:July is national Ice Cream month. Duh. Go figure. But, any way, since I am late writing this I will tell you that today I really, really want a chocolate turtle sundae from Andy's. I am fighting it so hard 'cause I know it isn't good for my blood sugar. Haven't been that good today. I guess I am saving for a day when I feel I can treat myself.

Why do we feel that we have to do something good or starve ourselves to get a treat? We should be good all the time. Right? Well,I guess we slip occasionally.

Jim Corter just wrote on facebook about " if you want to finish every day with a sense of accomplishment, then you must..." Hummmm. What must we do or be able to do.

Here is a plan.

1)pick a pet project you want to work on. Be realistic. Something you can devote 15 minutes a day to.

2) stay faithful to your project.

3) see what you have accomplished in a months time.

4)reflect to see if you are happy with your accomplishments.

If you are, then proceed with your task or if it is finished, start another. Devote some time to yourself each day.

Peter Jennings was a high school drop out. Can you imaging what kind of goals he had to set to accomplish what he did with his life. He became a household name and was as political savvy as anyone on television. He made goals and strived to complete them. Before he died, he even became a U.S. citizen so he could cast his vote in the country he had grown to love.

Are we dedicated like that? Well, if I was I would be a much smaller size than I am now. That is for sure. So obviously my answer is "no". But, remember we cannot take on monumental task and expect to complete them without first taking baby steps. I think I could make a list two pages long of things I need to do or finish. Why do we start things we never finish. Lack of interest. New interest comes along. Frustration with not being able to finish things as quickly as we expect.

We are a "hurry up and get it over with" society.

Maybe if we just don' try to cram so much into the day we could slow down and eat that chocolate ice cream I have been dreaming of.

Until later when I will still be screaming,



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