Bible verse of the day: Philippians 4:5-7 (New American Standard Bible)
5Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.
6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Celebrations: Since my last post we have had some very famous birthday celebrations. Mary Shelley , author of Frankenstein shared a birthday with all the August 30th people. It is hard to imagine that she was born in 1797. Just think how old the book Frankenstein would be. All the modern remakes, you would think it was written maybe forty or fifty years ago. Wow. For August 31st, how about this combo; Van Morrison and Itzhak Perlman. They were literally born on the same day. In 1945. What two musical contrast. Oh, Richard Gere was also born on that day.

September first, Lorre Gookin and Joe Pierce and Sydney Higgins all celebrate their birthday. The famous people they share with is Conway Twitty and Lily Tomlinson. Today, September 3rd, Colin Ford shares a birthday with Mort Walker, the cartoonist that pens Hi and Lois and Beetle Bailey.

Random thoughts: Why do we spend all our life wishing time away or anxious for something to happen or getting excited for something to happen. Do you realize how much time we spend in anticipation instead of enjoying the present. For example, when a person is pregnant, they look forward to when the baby arrives instead of the time God gives us to prepare for the blessed event. How about weddings. We stress, fret and plot and plan. We forget to enjoy each day that God has given us along the way. How many mamas worry about the first day of school. Not just for a week but maybe all summer. Ya know, the child probably would not be anxious except for the fact that they have heard mama worry forever.

A lot of people worry about turning 30 or 40 and forget to enjoy 29 or 39. What is the big deal about turning thirty. You are ONLY one day older than you were yesterday. Or how about people that look forward to 65. Come on, you get so excited about SS that you plan everything for the future and forget to live today.

STOP... and give God the glory for today. Enjoy today. All the woes and heartaches we encounter daily just might not be as bad if we just took life "One day at a time".

Now, don't get me wrong. It is okay to plot the future. It is not okay to worry about it. Let God do all the worrying for you, and just enjoy the scenery along the way. That is so much easier said than done, but I betcha that we would all live longer, healthier, happier lives if we practiced giving all our worries over to God in the first place instead of trying to handle life on our own.
Looking forward to a worry free day!


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