Bible Verse of the day:1 Timothy 1:5 NASB
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and man, the man Jesus Christ,

Celebrations:Starting where I left off last.... Dianna Shatley and Stefanie Simmons celebrated birthdays last Friday, the 4th. We sang Happy Birthday to Dianna last Wednesday night at church. She has spent many years tickling the ivories for all services at church and does a wonderful job. My boss and his wife celebrated (very quietly) their 50th anniversary on Saturday. Brandon Craig also celebrated a birthday on Saturday. September 6th, Lettie Wilkinson celebrated a birthday and shares a birthday with Jeff Foxworthy. September 7th was Dana Bridger Hurts birthday. Dana was a BFF from high school. Dana shares a birthday with Grandma Moses and Buddy Holly. Now on September 8th, one of the most wonderful inventions took place. In 1921 a man named Richard Drew invented Scotch Tape. What would life be like today with Scotch Tape. Today is September 9th. A very special day. Adam Sandler shares a birthday with MaryKate Reid and our middle child, Jeremiah Davis. Today is the original day for "National Grandparents Day' although it is celebrated next Sunday. Also this is "Biscuits and Gravy" Week. Now that is my kind of thing to celebrate!! Yeahhhh!

Random thought:I read an article on the numerology of "0-09-09" just a few minutes ago. It is very interesting how people are about numbers. The article said that the Chinese are very high on the number 9. The Japanese are leery of the number 9, thinking is ranks second in bad omens. The number 9 is one of maths mysteries, on example is that September 9th is the 252 day of the year (usually) and 2+5+2=9.

Cool, huh. The study points out that this is the last date to have repetitive single digit dates until Jan. 1, 2101.

There us a place in Florida that is taking advantage of the day to offer wedding packages for $99.99 and ipod is putting out a new film today..."9".

If we believe that numbers work out neat and maybe have favorite numbers are we superstitious? Is it anti-God. Well, if it is, then why do Christians label the devil with 666 or why do the think the number 3 is Holy or that the number 7 is perfection.

No, I don't think it is evil to have favorite numbers. Just don't take this and turn it into a satanic practice or whatever. There are many of us that won't have anything to do with the number 13. A lot of hotels won't have a 13th floor. Some people simply have a fear of 13 or especially Friday the thirteenth.

So, Jeremiah, is your favorite number 9? Blake, is your favorite number 7?
Jeremiah will have his # 1 birthday as a new daddy today. Ian says "Happy Birthday, da-da."

I promise you there are baseball players that have favorite numbers. And bad numbers. Some times their actions are direct results of something to do with numbers. No other sport has as many numbers issues to deal with as baseball.

Are you a number person. Do you count steps and then repeat? I guess if you are a musician it would be one, two, three, four, one, two.... How about if you were a baker, would you count to 12 all the time? Does your number have to be a single digit? Will double digits work?

In the Bible we count:

1 God

2 parts of the day

3 Persons in one

4 seasons

5 loaves were blessed

6 days to make the world

7 times 70 we should forgive

(8 well I just couldn't come up with anything. )

9th hour was the time of Christ death.


All I know is that this is 1 sinner saved by grace,




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