" I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Gen 9:11,13

Random Thought:
It seems to be a trend around here that rain has come and is staying awhile. Yesterday while on a trip to the local mall to get the one mile of exercise in the temperature dropped from 92 down to 72 with rain all around. "I" thought that since the "cold front" had moved thru we had missed all the rain. WRONG!! By the time we got inside the mall, it was sprinkling and lightning. It poured...and poured...and poured. When we left the mall(2 hours and a meal later)the ditches were overflowing and they are probably 15 to 20 feet deep behind the mall. As we left and looked back to the east, you guessed it, God's rainbow was shining. He didn't forget. This is probably the fourth or fifth downpour in the last month. Isn't is suppose to be dry before summer hits? Aren't we suppose to water the lawn to make it grow instead of mowing twice a week? Let me guess. Global warming is responsible:(

going out to Carol Duncan and Amy Deaton Cox. It's hard to believe you are spring babies when the temps are in the 90s.


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