Bible Verse of the day:
A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Happy Birthday: To Mary Layer.

Random Thoughts: To be a good friend, we need to be there and support our friends and family when they are down, but let's be honest, we enjoy being around happy people. Happy people make us happier people. Our life is easier when things go smooth and that makes us more pleasant. It turns into a circle of life.

Don't you just hate it though, when someone happy comes bee-bopping around when you are down and you want everyone to be just as miseriable as you. Boy, can they ever drive you up the wall. How about instead of being a grump, let a little bit of the niceness wear off on you. No, that is not what we want when we are down.

God is telling us the joyful heart is our best medicine when we are down. By experience, I have learned the best way to pick myself up when I am down and depressed is to do something for somebody else. There is always someone who needs a little help. Maybe it is nothing more than a note of encouragement. Maybe it is a covered dish, or maybe it is just a visit for 20 or 30 minutes. Look around, there are always possibilites.

After we find ourselves feeling good over our done deeds, we can look at ourselves and see that life isn't as dire as we might have thought is was. That pleased feeling we get is knowing that God is telling us "Well done, my fine and faithful servant." When we know that we have pleased God with our service, that should give us, well, personal gratification...JOY.

You see, we have come full circle. We were down, picked our self us to help others, then become pleased with our accomplishments and we lift ourselves up. Pretty good medicine if you ask me. I don't know of a pharmaceutical company yet that has made a happy pill that compares to the sense of joy we can receive only on our own merit. Joy is not something just to be handed to us. We have to make our own joy. It doesn't just fall in our laps. Let's put on a happy face and make a point to do something nice for at least one person today that doesn't expect anything from us. Joy is just around the corner. Who knows, it mights just lower our blood pressure or our heart beat, too.

Your Bible pharmacist of the day,


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