Verse of the day:

A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.Proverbs 30:23

Happy Birthday: goes out to Tara Bates Davis, my daughter-in-law!!

Random Thoughts:

I remember as a child the evenings my family would spend in West Plains during the summer. We never had lightning bugs around our house. I guess it was because we were so close to the river or something, but anyway, when we went to West Plains I was always fascinated by the bright twinkling green lights. I would always go out to the back yard and just lay on the ground mesmerized by the twinkle. One night my cousin, six months my junior and many years wiser, told me you could catch lightning bugs. That was so neat!! My Dad told me that it wasn't a good idea. Oh, but to put a couple of sprigs of grass in a fruit jar with two or three holes in the lid. We caught them, put them in the old mason jar and I took the jar and set beside my make shift bed on the sofa. No one told me they would be dead the next morning. Hence, my one and only time of catching lightning bugs.

As an empty nester, I can still go outside and watch at twilight as the blinking of green hovers around the yard. I love to just sit and watch them, yet I catch myself thinking that my time is wasted doing such nonsense. It isn't . Really, I believe it is good for the soul to take time for nothing. Life is so structured these days, I do believe this is what God means when He tells us to be still and hear Him. We don't have to be thinking about anything or anyone. All we have to do is appreciate all that is around us. Notice what God has created for us to enjoy. (Forget about double chocolate ice cream on top of birthday cake! The devil created that to ruin us!!!!!!)

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to see all the wonderful things You have made for me. Allow me to be humble and give all the glory where it belongs.

Hopefully His humble servant,



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