Bible verse of the day:

Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven.

Luke 6:23

Happy birthday: I don't know anyone personally that has a birthday, but we can all wish Lionel Richie the best on his day.

Random Thoughts: Today is the last day of spring. Where has the time gone. Just yesterday we were opening Christmas presents. Oh, my! The heat preceded the calendar, but when I think of summer, it is a time of vacations, lemonade, the ice cream truck and the no worry times of youth.

Oh, those were the days. What would life be like to be so carefree these days. We still can adopt some carefree attitude. I was part of a discussion today about someone who has a wonderful, expensive home and yet is unhappy. What does it take to have a home. Walls, maybe a/c-heat, a place to lay our head and a cache of food. Everything else is window dressing. WE fret over the home, car, clothes,etc. Maybe we could just relax a little and simply appreciate what we have. Thank God for our blessings and reflect on someone worse off than we are instead of what we don't have. Go buy a dollar bottle of bubbles then go out side and blow them. Put your worries in the bubbles and let them float away.

Watch out for chiggers, but even pick a bunch of wildflowers and set them in a window to look at. It will make life happy for a moment. The imagination is a wide as we allow it to be. My favorite...wear blue fingernail and toenail polish. We don't have to conform to what everyone else is or does. We are allowed to be ourselves and THAT is what will make us happy. Look in the mirror and if you can smile back at the person you is good for a while.

Thank you God for the ability to leap for joy.
Your hoppy servant,


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