Bible verse of the day:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Cor 13:4

Happy Birthday: Not really, but today is the first anniversary of my youngest son, Blake and his sweet wife Kari. Happy first!

Random Thoughts:It is hard to believe a whole year has past since that day of pink roses and hearts. Doug(my dear sweet honey) cut out scrollsaw hearts for all the guest and we tied them to cards as wedding favors. That took forever. I got the job of peeling the glued-on guides off the hearts.

Then there was the issue of making the flowers. I saw pink roses forever. They were so pretty. I have friends who made the pink table toppers for the guest tables. We had little white lights and silk greenery all over the worship center and the reception area. Blake and Kari dated for 8 years. From the first time I met her I could have guessed there would be pink flowers involved.

Did I mention that all three of my boys wore pink? You would have thought is was worse than taking medicine. They got over it.

Did I mention I was a tad stressed that day? I got over it. An old minister we used to have would always say "this, too, shall pass". It did and now as I reflect back a year later, it was such a pretty day and maybe the bride and the groom's mother were the only two that knew what didn't go just right. I will never tell at this late date, but I will say that Bette Middler has is right when she says "You gotta have friends" 'cause we could never have gotten through the day without the help of many of our friends. My friends, Kari's friends, Blake's friends. Doug's friends. They were all wonderful.

You can never have too many friends. You can never be a friend to too many people. You never know when you just might need a hand.

Happy anniversay to my children,


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