Bible Verse of the Day :
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:20

Happy Birthday: to David Jeans(our favorite handyman) and to Kristi Griffin Bookout.

Random Thoughts:

I saw a sign on a church yesterday that read"a torn up Bible belongs to a person that is not". I really like that statement. I am always fascinated to read some of these church messages, but that one really hits the spot.

My Bible is about 30 years old and has notes jotted in the margins and anywhere I can find. The preacher boy in the family has requested this Bible when I die. Child, I am only 52!! He had me write in the front of my Bible a few years ago that he would get it when I die.

How about the song from Blood, Sweat and Tears that says "and when I die, and when I am gone, there will be one child born in this world to carry on, carry on". One of these days that won't happen. One of these days, the Rapture will come and there will be, oh, so fewer people to carry on, carry on.

I look forward to the day when I walk the streets of heaven and meet with old friends that have gone on before me. When I started looking for birthdays for this blog, I used an old calendar from about ten years ago. It is so sad to see how many of our dear faithful church members has already passed on. Some day soon, we shall all meet again, dear ones.

It is good to know that I am a dual citizen. Not only do I have citizenship in the good 'ole U.S.A. but I also have a citizenship in heaven. Isn't it wonderful to know. Personally the heavenly citizenship is the one I am proudest of, and believe me, I truly am honored to be born in America. I thank our forfathers for the forsight to escape for religous freedom. Now I hope some day we can get it restored again. I am never ashamed to proclaim God first, family second and country third. Wish all the anti christians would ban together and refuse to spent the money with "In God we Trust" on it and go off somewhere and make their own country with money that says... well you can come to your own conclusion on that one.(Sorry-soapbox)

Proudly awaiting entry some day,


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