Verse of the day:
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God. Mark 10:27

Happy Birthday: Martha Kate Griffin, a sister in Christ that has been battling with cancer for a while now, yet never giving up and giving God praise all them time. What a wonderful lady!! Happy birthday to Cheryl Keller Reeves, another friend who has dealt with her share of struggles. Love you, sisters.

Random thoughts:

In the "Awe-manac" the author refers to today as butterfly day. We as Christians should be like the butterfly. We have been a prisoner of sin, released by the cross and we should be just as beautiful as the butterfly flitting around. We look at the butterfly as one of God's amazing creatures. Are we not greater than the animals and insects? We are God's most amazing creatures. I know there are times I do not act like God's amazing creature, but more like the devils helper. I need to do better.

Martha Kate glows with the beauty through her struggles while I fuss about how hot it is to mow the yard. I should be thanking God for the ability to mow the yard.
I stand amazed
in His Presence,


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